• postmodem depression 断网抑郁症

    16-05-04 Postmodem depression is the unpleasant feeling you get when you havent had access to the Internet (i.e. QQ, Weibo and WeChat) for a long time, like several minutes. You dont have appetite, not in the mood to enjoy beautiful scenery or talk to people...

  • 卡特里娜飓风两年过后10%的母亲经历过抑郁

    15-09-06 About 10 percent of mothers experienced chronic, persistent depressive symptoms two years after Hurricane Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast, killing more than 1,800 people, displacing hundreds of thousands and causing widespread damage estimated a...

  • 忧郁不会互相传播

    15-08-20 Having friends who suffer from depression doesn't affect the mental health of others, according to research led by the University of Warwick. The academics found that having friends can help teenagers recover from depression or even avoid becoming d...

  • 过早接触抗抑郁药影响血清素传输

    14-12-23 About 15 percent of women in the United States suffer from anxiety disorders and depression during their pregnancies, and many are prescribed antidepressants. However little is known about how early exposure to these medications might affect their o...

  • 吃糖过多会导致抑郁、焦虑和压力

    14-11-29 According to new research, too much sugar doesn't just lead to weight gain, but also depression, anxiety and stress. 糖吃起来或许很甜但是它对身体的影响却与甜相去甚远。新研究表明,过量的糖分不仅导致体重的增长,也会导致抑郁、焦虑和压力。 Eating a diet...

  • 女性领导更容易抑郁

    14-11-26 Women are more likely than men to display symptoms of depression when in a position of authority at work, according to US scientists. 美国科学家发现,当工作中处于权威职位的时候,女性比男性更容易表现出抑郁症的症状。 In men, authority, such as the abi...

  • 异文化压力是拉丁裔青年高抑郁率的根源

    14-11-20 Researchers at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis say acculturative stress may explain, in part, why Indiana's Latino youth face an alarming disparity in depression and suicide rates when compared to their white counterparts. While ex...

  • smiling depression 微笑抑郁症

    14-11-11 Smiling depression is a term often used to refer to a patient who you think is depressed, but doesn't look it and often won't admit it. 微笑抑郁症(smiling depression)指患有抑郁症、但表面上看不出来而且本人不愿承认的状况。 Sometimes they tell you, N...

  • post-drama depression 剧终抑郁症

    14-10-15 Post-drama depression refers to the feeling after a good television drama is over and you realize you have no life. The life without the TV drama seems so boring and meaningless. 剧终抑郁症指的是一部好电视剧播完后的落寞感。你觉得没有这部剧可看的日子...

  • 抑郁在帕金森早期患者中很常见

    14-08-19 Depression and anxiety are twice as common in people newly-diagnosed with Parkinson's disease compared with the general population, research suggests. 研究显示,抑郁和焦虑在帕金森综合症初诊患者中出现的几率是普通人群的两倍。 Writing in the journal Ne...