• 别想太多

    21-03-15 Sometimes I cant sleep because a problem plays over and over in my mind. Does this happen to you? Psychologists who used the results of an online test conducted by the BBC and the University of Liverpool say that some self-reflection can be good. Bu...

  • 不服药的抗忧伤法

    21-02-08 在英国及世界各地,有很多人都感到忧伤和抑郁。为改善这一心理状态,不少人会选择服用有潜在副作用的抗抑郁药物。其实,还有其它在不服药的情况下可以让你心情变好的替代方法。这些方法包括游泳、与人行善和人工智能技术等。 It affects one in six people in England...

  • imagined ugliness 想象丑陋

    20-12-26 照镜子时总觉得自己不好看,鼻子不够高,眼睛不够大,嘴型也不够美?经常抱有这种心理的人其实是患有想丑综合征,好多自己严重的缺陷都是想象出来的。专业人士表示,这是一种心理障碍,得治。 Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder; but so, alas, is its opposit...

  • 我失业了 公交卡送给你吧

    20-09-06 A few years ago, when I was going through the deepest point in my depression- my living situation was abhorrent, I had no car, no license and barely enough money to get by. All of this was because of the choices I made but I couldnt seem to find my...

  • 强颜欢笑会让人更痛苦

    20-08-27 Desperately trying to keep a smile on your face will only make your depression worse, a new study suggests. 一项最新研究表明,强颜欢笑只会让你的抑郁更加严重。 Feeling content has become the sole goal for many in recent years, but embracing your sadn...

  • 长期自卑可能导致抑郁

    19-12-09 Low self-esteem makes us feel bad about ourselves. But did you know that over time it also can cause the development of serious mental conditions such as depression? 自卑让人自我感觉极差。你知道吗,长期自卑会导致抑郁等严重的精神问题。 Self-esteem is...

  • 黑巧克力或许能降低患抑郁症的风险

    19-08-20 Scientists have found that eating dark chocolate appears to lower the risk of depression by four fold. 科学家发现,吃黑巧克力或能将患抑郁症的风险降低四分之三。 While 7.6 percent of the 13,000 people surveyed reported depressive symptoms, just 1.5 pe...

  • 研究生抑郁的概率是普通人的六倍

    18-03-31 A new study found that graduate students are six times more likely to exhibit depression symptoms than the general population. 一项新研究发现,研究生出现抑郁症状的概率是普通人群的六倍。 The findings should surprise no one but its important to have q...

  • 打太极拳能帮助对抗抑郁

    17-06-02 Taking part in Tai Chi could help to combat depression, new research claims. 最新研究表明,打太极拳能帮助对抗抑郁。 Going to classes in the ancient Chinese martial art for 12 weeks significantly reduced symptoms of the blues. It can work independent...

  • 阿黛尔自曝曾患产后抑郁症

    16-11-07 Adele has opened up about her battle with postnatal depression after the birth of her son, Angelo. 阿黛尔近日谈起在生下儿子安吉洛后与产后抑郁症做斗争的一段经历。 The singer told Vanity Fair magazine that she felt, at the time, like she had made the...