• 英国男子遗体被制成木乃伊

    11-10-22 A former British taxi driver has become the first person in the world for 3,000 years to be mummified in the same way as the pharaohs. 英国出租车司机艾伦比利斯去世后,被制成木乃伊,成为3000年来首个仿照古埃及人制作木乃伊法老的方法制作的木乃伊。 A for...

  • 雌性激素控制能耗、食欲与体重

    11-10-21 A recent UT Southwestern Medical Center study found that estrogen(雌性激素) regulates energy expenditure, appetite and body weight, while insufficient estrogen receptors in specific parts of the brain may lead to obesity. Estrogen has a profound e...

  • 《牛仔裤的夏天》一

    11-08-26 影片对白 Tibby: Beautiful dress! Love it! Carmen: We'd been a foursome for as long as I could remember. Girls: Where are we going? We're going over there. Carmen: In fact, we were a foursome before we were born. Coach: ...and seven. Anyone feel any...

  • 智利前总统阿连德乃自杀身亡

    11-07-20 A team of international experts has concluded that the former president of Chile, Salvador Allende, killed himself during the 1973 military coup led by General Augusto Pinochet. 一组国际专家得出结论,智利前总统萨尔多瓦阿连德在1973年的军事政变中自杀...

  • 海胆全身都是“眼”

    11-07-01 Many animals have eyes that are incredibly complex others manage without. Researchers at the University of Gothenburg have shown that sea urchins(海胆) see with their entire body despite having no eyes at all. The study has been published in the s...

  • Build up our mind

    11-06-12 You've been working out regularly for quite a while, but you're nowhere near your fitness goals. So now it's time to bring in your ultimate weapon your mind. Rather than thinking of fitness as something mysterious that you do with your body, take an...

  • Tiresias 泰瑞西斯

    11-03-15 Tiresias was a blind, darkseeing prophet(先知) of Thebes. He was struck with blindness in his youth, because he had spied unwittingly on the goddess Athena. He was wandering in the woods one day when quite unexpectedly he saw anaked maiden bathing...

  • 高密度脂蛋白的分子结构与保护作用

    11-03-14 University of Cincinnati (UC) researchers have determined the structure of human HDL cholesterol(胆固醇) and say the finding could help explain how this fat packet protects against cardiovascular diseases, including heart attack and stroke. The st...

  • 情感反应可预测身体对压力的回应

    11-02-18 Your emotional response to challenging situations could predict how your body responds to stress, according to research published this month in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. People who reported high levels of anger and anxiety after per...

  • 调查:完美女人的风貌

    11-02-09 The perfect woman should have Taylor Swift's hair, Natalie Portman's nose and the body of curvy star Penelope Cruz, according to a survey by Hollywood plastic surgeons. 好莱坞整容医师进行的一项调查发现,完美的女人应该拥有泰勒斯威夫特的头发、娜塔莉波...