• 惠特尼·休斯顿遗体被回新泽西州

    12-02-14 Whitney Houston's body has been flown from California to her home state of New Jersey, ahead of a funeral expected later this week. 惠特尼休斯顿的遗体从加州被运往她的故乡新泽西州,她的葬礼将在本周晚些时候举行。 A gold hearse(灵车,棺材) took her b...

  • The Realm Of The Unreal 3

    12-01-11 His presence led the conversation into other channels. He said little -- I do not recall anything of what he did say. I thought his voice singularly rich and melodious(悦耳的) , but it affected me in the same way as his eyes and smile. In a few mi...

  • 写作练习也能减肥?

    12-01-05 Is losing weight as simple as doing a 15-minute writing exercise? In a new study published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, women who wrote about their most important values, like close relationships,...

  • Moxons Master 8

    11-12-28 Presently Moxon, whose play it was, raised his hand high above the board, pounced(突袭,猛扑) upon one of his pieces like a sparrow-hawk and with the exclamation(感叹,惊叫) 'check-mate!' rose quickly to his feet and stepped behind his chair. Th...

  • An Inhabitant Of Carcosa 1

    11-12-28 For there be divers sorts of death -- some wherein the body remained; and in some it vanished quite away with the spirit. This commonly occurred only in solitude(孤独,隐居) (such is God's will) and, none seeing the end, we say the man is lost, or...

  • 新几内亚发现世界最小青蛙

    11-12-13 Field work by researcher Fred Kraus from Bishop Museum, Honolulu has found the world's smallest frogs in southeastern New Guinea. This also makes them the world's smallest tetrapods(四足动物) (non-fish vertebrates). The frogs belong to the genus P...

  • A Psychological Shipwreck - 4

    11-12-09 I lay still in my berth(卧铺,停泊处) -- so still I hardly breathed. But the subject was evidently not displeasing to Doyle, and after a short pause he resumed: 'By the way, she is only an adopted daughter of the Harfords. Her mother was killed at...

  • A Psychological Shipwreck - 2

    11-12-09 For a moment she was silent, with averted face, and I began to fear I had been extremely rude and indelicate; then she fixed her eyes gravely on my own. In an instant my mind was dominated by as strange a fancy as ever entered human consciousness. I...

  • I also have Bania blood in my body

    11-11-09 A rich Sardarji needed blood for his heart surgery. He got it from a poor short Bania. Sardarji gave him 5 million dollars. Once again the Sardar needed blood for surgery. Bania was more than happy to donated blood again. This time, Sardar just gave...

  • 《欲望都市电影版2》一

    11-11-01 精彩对白 Carrie: Thanks Waitress: Are you ready order? Miranda: I think we'll wait for a friend. Thanks. Carrie: That's a whole lot pills. How many you're working there? Samantha: 44. Miranda: I'm on a 10-day 40's plan. Samantha: Women our age shoul...