• 环境影响有机体的复杂性

    14-01-05 Scientists have demonstrated that organisms with greater complexity are more likely to evolve in complex environments, according to research published this week in PLOS Computational Biology. The researchers, based at cole Polytechnique Fdrale de La...

  • 情绪可以用图谱描绘

    14-01-05 Chests puffing up with pride -- and happiness felt head to toe -- are sensations as real as they are universal. And now we can make an atlas of them. 骄傲感会充满胸膛,幸福感会从头顶灌倒脚底,这种真实的感觉所有人都有体会。而现在我们可以用图谱描绘它...

  • 美国82岁老太太怀孕40年

    13-12-20 哥伦比亚某医院的医生们在本周遇到了一件奇怪的事情一位82岁的老太太已经怀孕了40年。她在周一时因剧烈的腹泻而到该医院就诊,在全面的临床检查之后,医生确定在她的腹部并没有结石或肿瘤,而在子宫外发现了一个胎儿,但已经死亡了近40年。 Doctors in Colombia discov...

  • Hunger

    13-12-19 Hunger Patricia Fargnoli It is the gnawing(令人痛苦的) within the silence of the deep body which is like the pool a waterfall replenishes(补充,装满) but can never fill. The watery room of the body and its voices who call and call wanting someth...

  • 曼德拉遗体将供公众吊唁三天

    13-12-11 The body of Nelson Mandela has arrived at the main government building in South Africa's capital, Pretoria, where it will lie in state for three days. 纳尔逊曼德拉的遗体已被运往首都比勒陀利亚政府大楼,他将在那里供公众吊唁三天。 The body of Nelson Ma...

  • 德警方逮捕一名涉嫌杀人食人的警官

    13-12-06 Authorities in Germany's eastern city of Dresden announced on Friday that they had arrested a 55-year-old police officer suspected of murdering an allegedly willing victim and then burying his remains in small pieces in the garden of the police offi...

  • 男女性目光焦点大不相同

    13-10-30 Usually, women can tell when someone's eyes aren't on her face and are, well, focused elsewhere on her body. In other words, there's a reason the saying on the t-shirt is My Eyes Are Up Here. But how, exactly, does that objectifying gaze play out(...

  • 激发自身免疫系统对抗癌症

    13-08-20 A way of firing up the body's immune system in order to attack cancer has been discovered by US researchers. 美国研究人员发现了一种激发身体免疫系统来对付癌症的方法。 The immune system is delicately balanced so it attacks invaders but not the body's...

  • 人体肠道中的病毒如何进化

    13-07-27 Humans are far more than merely the sum total of all the cells that form the organs and tissues. The digestive tract is also home to a vast colony of bacteria of all varieties, as well as the myriad(无数的) viruses that prey upon them. Because the...

  • 印字白色短T更显男性魅力

    13-06-30 英国一项最新研究显示,前面印有黑色字母T的普通白色短袖T恤能让男人的吸引力指数提升12%。研究人员表示,印在前面的字母T能造成一种视觉上的假象,让人感觉穿着者的肩膀更宽、腰部更细,从而使其身形更显男性标准的V型身材。 Forget expensive designer clothes, a si...