• 特别设计的益生菌可减轻肥胖

    10-12-24 Specially designed probiotics(益生菌) can modulate the physiology(生理学) of host fat cells say scientists writing in Microbiology. The findings could lead to specialised probiotics that have a role in the prevention or treatment of conditions s...

  • 马来西亚被敦促停止鞭刑

    10-12-06 Caning as a form of judicial punishment in Malaysia has reached epidemic proportions and should be banned, according to a human rights group. 一个人权组织表示,鞭笞作为一种司法惩罚手段在马来西亚已经达到了流行的程度,应当被禁止。 Blows administered t...

  • 腹部脂肪过多加重女性骨质疏松危险

    10-12-01 For years, it was believed that obese women were at lower risk for developing osteoporosis(骨质疏松症) , and that excess body fat actually protected against bone loss. However, a study presented today at the annual meeting of the Radiological Soci...

  • 酒精对人体损害甚于肝脏

    10-11-12 Alcohol does much more harm to the body than just damaging the liver. Drinking also can weaken the immune system, slow healing, impair(损害,削弱) bone formation, increase the risk of HIV transmission and hinder(阻碍,打扰) recovery from burns,...

  • 女性为何通常比男性长寿

    10-10-30 It is the ultimate battle of the sexes - and women usually win. 这是两性之间的终极较量而且通常女性获胜。 Now scientists have come up with(提出,想出) a new theory for why woman live, on average, longer than men: men are more biologically disposabl...

  • 截肢病人容易出现幻肢心理

    10-09-26 After the loss of a limb, most patients experience the feeling of a phantom(幻觉的,幽灵的) limb the vivid illusion that the amputated(截肢) arm or leg is still present. Damage to the nervous system, such as stroke, may cause similar illusions i...

  • 食品强化剂可显著增强人体耐力

    10-08-27 Research from the University of Exeter has revealed taking a dietary supplement to boost nitric oxide(氧化一氮) in the body can significantly boost stamina(毅力,精力) during high-intensity exercise. The study has important implications for athl...

  • 日光浴也不能使全身皮肤都晒黑

    10-08-04 A consistent(一致的,坚持的) all-over tan(棕褐色) may be impossible to achieve because some body areas are much more resistant to tanning than others, a study has found. Researchers - funded by the Medical Research Council (MRC) - at the Univers...

  • 人体虱子基因组定序成功

    10-06-22 Like an unwelcome houseguest or itinerant(巡回的,流动的) squatter(擅自居住) , the human body louse(虱子) shows up when times are bad and always makes them worse. Now a multi-institutional team reports that it has sequenced the body louse geno...

  • 揭密针灸疗法的分子效应

    10-06-01 Scientists have taken another important step toward understanding just how sticking needles into the body can ease pain. In a paper published online May 30 in Nature Neuroscience, a team at the University of Rochester Medical Center identifies the m...