• 《恐龙当家》第11章

    22-11-09 After the strange experience with Forrest, things changed between Spot and Arlo. Now, they walked side-by-side. Instead of scowling and feeling angry at Spot, Arlo began to like the little guy. Spot helped Arlo forget about feeling afraid, even if j...

  • 《恐龙当家》第7章

    22-11-07 Eventually, dazed and achy, Arlo opened his eyes and looked around. His legs were still in the water, and his body was beached on a small sandbar. He was miles down the river and very far from home. Some big logs were jammed together next to him, ma...

  • 《恐龙当家》第5章

    22-11-03 As they started toward the mountain pass, Arlo felt a giant lump growing in his throat. Fear seemed to take over his entire body. Even though he was with Poppa, he had never been so scared. The wind moved noisily through the trees and caused branche...

  • 做体检时的常用词汇

    22-10-28 做体检 health check-up 可以帮助监测我们的健康状况。在英国,体检工作通常由护士负责。我们需要熟悉一些关于人体的常用医学词汇,才能在做体检时更好地配合护士的指令和明白体检结果。 1. The nurse wants to find out the rate at which blood flows through your b...

  • 拳击少女Ritika Singh:千万不要忽视学业(下)

    22-10-25 And I also believe that in life, no matter what you do every day, give you 100% because you never know whats coming for you. 我也相信,在生活中,无论你每天做什么,都要百分百地投入,因为你永远不知道会发生什么。 You never know whats the next step. Rig...

  • One Hundred Years of Solitude 百年孤独 Chapter 17

    22-10-17 RSULA HAD to make a great effort to fulfill her promise to die when it cleared. The waves of lucidity that were so scarce during the rains became more frequent after August, when an and wind began to blow and suffocated the rose bushes and petrified...

  • moocher 不断索取却从不付出的揩油者

    22-10-10 还记得鲁迅作品《故乡》中的圆规么?圆规没讨到东西,愤愤离去时还顺走了别人的手套,活脱脱就是一个爱贪小便宜的小市民。英语中也有一个词来形容这种人,就是mooch。 Mooch or moocher is someone who takes and takes but never gives. They could take food, money...

  • over my dead body 没门儿

    22-09-23 当我们在拒绝别人时,除了委婉的表达不便外,还有一些直截了当的回答,比如没门儿。 没门儿,汉语口语,意思是没有办法、没有门路(have no means of doing something),但在口语中更多表示拒绝或不可能,相当于no go,not a chance,与英文流行语over my dead body意...

  • 《魔发奇缘》第6章

    22-09-07 Rapunzel stood over Flynns unconscious body. She was still marveling at the power of a frying pan against the first real person she had ever seen besides Mother Gothel. He must be a ruffian, she thought. Mother Gothel had warned her about ruffians....

  • 《魔发奇缘》第3章

    22-09-07 Okay, Rapunzel said to Pascal, trying to be calm. No big deal, Im just going to do it. Im just going to say, Mother? Theres something Ive been wanting to ask you! Rapunzels strong voice grew faint as she added, For eighteen years. She was beginning...