• Marriage Arranged by an Unborn Baby

    09-09-29 The other day a Chinese told me that to go with the traditional custom,one's marriage has to be decided by his or her parents and that accordingly,her mother's marriage was arranged by her grandparents,but her sister has broken the tradition. How?I...

  • Stop acting like such a big baby 不要像个大孩子

    09-09-29 想想吧,如果停止抱怨的话你会变得多么快乐。反正那些事情又无力改变,整天想着那些你无力改变的事情又有什么意义呢?如果你来问我,我会说那样很愚蠢。当你意识到自己在抱怨的时候,停下来,问问自己是要变得快乐,还是继续这样抱怨下去。 你准备好过没有抱怨,更加快...

  • Boy conceived using new test born 采用新方法受孕的婴儿出生

    09-09-02 The first baby conceived with the help of a new egg screening technique which could offer hope to women for whom IVF has repeatedly failed has been born. 第一例通过卵细胞筛选技术的帮助而出生的婴儿可能会给试管受精屡次失败的妇女提供帮助。 Professor Si...

  • India welcomes more baby girls for first time 印度首次出现“

    09-08-22 A baby girl, soon after her birth in New Delhi. More girls were born in Delhi than boys last year for the first time, according to official figures, after parents were given cash bonuses of 125 for each new daughter as part of a drive to stamp out f...

  • Tunisian woman pregnant with 12 babies eclipses Nadia Sulema

    09-08-22 突尼斯一名妇女被医院确诊怀有十二胞胎,并且刚好是六男六女。这个消息瞬时盖过美国八胞胎的风头,成为人们议论的热点。据报道,这名妇女在经历了两次流产后到医院接受相关生育治疗,而这罕见的十二胞胎就是治疗的直接结果。夫妇二人最初以为是双胞胎,可是后来有更多...

  • Family-friendly baby units urged 家庭般和谐的婴儿看护设备被

    09-08-12 Skin-to-skin contact can help parents bond with their new baby Neonatal units looking after premature babies need redesigning to put parents at the heart of care, say campaigners. 用来照顾早产婴儿的设备需要被重新设计来使双亲可以把照顾婴儿放在第一位...

  • Equation 'to spot small placenta' 胎盘大小计量公式出现

    09-08-10 A measurement to spot small placentas could act as an early warning system and potentially stop babies dying in the womb, a study suggests. 研究显示,对于小胎盘的测量可以作为早期的预警系统并可以无形中防止胎儿死于子宫中。 The placenta supplies the fo...

  • Precious first born: mothers admit they really do favour fir

    09-07-29 Most mothers would agree they treated the first child differently to later children. Mothers really do favour their 'precious first borns' over the children they have later, research has found. Among examples of attention lavished on the 'precious f...

  • Wallets with baby pictures 'most likely to be returned' 研究

    09-07-29 Wallets containing the picture of an infant were most likely to trigger an honest reaction from the finder. Lost wallets which contain a snapshot of a baby are more likely to be returned to their owners, scientists have discovered. Researchers left...

  • Kelis to get baby money from Nas Kelis从丈夫Nas那里获得孩子

    09-07-25 A judge has ordered rapper Nas to pay almost $40,000 (24,200) per month in support to estranged wife Kelis - a day after she gave birth to their child. 一位法官命令说唱歌手Nas每月付四万美元抚养费给他妻子Kelis,Kelis前一天生下了他们的孩子。 Kelis fil...