• 关于王室宝贝你不一定知道的事情

    15-05-03 Amid all the excitement about the eagerly-awaited new addition to the royal family, you may think you know all you could ever want to about royal babies. But did you know... 英国王室即将喜添新丁,被热切等待的兴奋心情包围的你,也许以为自己对王室宝贝...

  • 凯特王妃生男生女引发博彩热潮

    15-05-03 Bookies reckon Kate Middleton's baby will be a girl called Alice, but our expert says it's definitely a boy. 博彩业者们推测凯特米德尔顿的孩子会是个叫爱丽丝的女孩,但是我们的专家认为它一定是个男孩。 The Duchess of Cambridge hasn't been seen in days a...

  • 好奇驱使婴儿学习

    15-04-07 Infants have innate knowledge about the world and when their expectations are defied, they learn best, researchers at Johns Hopkins University found. In a paper to be published April 3 in the journal Science, cognitive psychologists Aimee E. Stahl a...

  • 英国某无业游民与10个女性生15个孩子

    15-04-06 A jobless man said to have fathered 15 children with 10 different women has revealed he has another baby on the way. 英国一个无业游民分别跟10个不同的女性生了15个孩子,他透露称又有一个孩子即将出世。 It is estimated Keith MacDonald's growing brood wil...

  • 柯基犬赛跑预测王室新生儿名字

    15-03-27 All barks are off - the royal family's newest member will be a girl named Alexandra. 汪星人们都安静一下,王室家族的新生儿将会是个女宝宝,并且会取名为亚历山德拉。 At least that's the oh-so-official prediction made by a bunch of racing corgis. Betting...

  • 英准妈妈们上传B超照片猜宝宝性别

    14-12-31 Pregnant women are taking the selfie craze to a new level by posting pictures of their 12-week scan online for friends to predict the sex. 英国准妈妈们让自拍热潮上升到了一个新高度,她们纷纷将自己怀孕12周的B超扫描照片发布到网上,让网友们猜测宝宝的性...

  • 全英国最快乐宝宝 未出生就已咧嘴笑

    14-11-21 Grinning from ear to ear, this picture shows little Leo Hargreaves was rather happy with his world -- even before he was born. 照片上这位名叫里奥哈格里夫斯的小宝贝还未出生就已经咧着嘴笑个不停,一脸幸福的样子。 And his parents believe their son may b...

  • baby goggles 盲目爱娃症

    14-10-15 Baby goggles is a phenomenon where the parents of an ugly baby think their baby is adorable and no one else does. They ignore the shortcomings of their babys looks on purpose. 盲目爱娃症是一种父母觉得自己孩子异常可爱而旁人却没有同样感受的现象。他们...

  • 首位子宫移植婴儿诞生

    14-10-05 A woman in Sweden has given birth to a baby boy using a transplanted womb, in a medical first, doctors report. 瑞士一位女性用移植的子宫生下一名男婴,这在医学史上尚属首次。 The 36-year-old mother, who was born without a uterus, received a donated wom...

  • Rejuvenation pill 返老还童药片

    14-09-24 The old age had crept in on Mrs. Daly. Aches and pains bothered her day and night. One day, she received a package with some pills and a letter from her son. The letter said, Dear Mom, I am sending you some wonder drug called rejuvenation pills. It...