• 《疯狂外星人》精彩语句

    17-04-27 1. Give Daddy some sugar! 给爷来点掌声! 2. We are doomed! 我们死定了! 3. Who would wanna leave this behind? I have got to fix this. 谁愿意抛下这一切?我非得搞定不可。 4. Im trying to hide from the Boov. Im not bringing one with me. Youll just turn me...

  • “任性”的表达方式

    17-04-21 1. Willful/self-willed 故意的、任性的 譬如粑粑麻麻让宝贝们向东走,他却偏向西走,就是这么一个感觉。 例句: Hes been willful since he was a baby. 他从小就这么任性。 2. Wayward 刚愎自用的、任性的,说白了就是固执己见,不采纳别人的意见。 例句: She could b...

  • silver tsunami 银发族海啸

    17-03-31 The silver tsunami is coming. The baby boomer generation is beginning to hit retirement age, and companies must prepare for what could be a major exodus. 银发族海啸就要来了。婴儿潮一代将开始到达退休年龄,公司必须准备好应对劳动力的大量减少。 The US B...

  • cellfie 细胞拍

    17-03-29 It is the latest trend in baby pictures - an image on the day of conception. 受孕一刻成为宝宝照片的新趋势。 So called cellfies roll back the clock as far as it is possible - the point when you were little more than a twinkle in your mothers eye. 这...

  • 如何来吐槽那些糟糕的饭菜

    17-02-27 1. A dry sandwich is a drag to eat. 放干的三明治很难吃。 2. The lousy food upsets my stomach. 这饭菜太糟糕了,吃得我肚子直难受。 3. That pizza tastes like cardboard. 那张披萨味同嚼蜡。 4. The dishes were many, but they were all poorly cooked. 菜很多...

  • baby hunger 要娃狂

    17-02-23 Baby hunger is the strong desire to have a baby, especially amongst older, professional women. 要娃狂指的是想要生娃的强烈愿望,特别是在较为年长的职业女性中间。 It has been estimated that one of six American couples will face difficulty getting pregn...

  • 未来可能不需要卵子就能孕育婴儿

    16-10-06 Scientists say early experiments suggest it may one day be possible to make babies without using eggs. 科学家称,早期实验表明,将来某一天或许不需要卵子就能孕育出婴儿。 They have succeeded in creating healthy baby mice by tricking sperm into believin...

  • 巴拉克航空飞机上一新生儿获终生免机票

    16-10-05 A new-born baby has been awarded a lifetime of free flights on Buraq Air after his mother gave birth while aboard the airline. 巴拉克航空公司的飞机上,一位母亲登机后产下一名婴儿,航空公司授予这位新生儿终生免机票的权利。 The airline announced the gif...

  • Baby-sitting

    16-06-17 Baby-sitting Gillian Clarke I am sitting in a strange room listening For the wrong baby. I dont love This baby. She is sleeping a snuffly Roseate, bubbling sleep; she is fair; She is a perfectly acceptable child. I am afraid of her. If she wakes She...

  • 中国将加强监管婴儿配方奶粉

    16-06-11 Chinas food safety watchdog has issued regulations to tighten supervision on baby formula. 中国食品安全监察机构已经就加强监管婴儿配方奶粉发布管理规定。 Starting from October, all baby formula producers who sell products in China will have to registe...