• 15月大的婴儿即有公平感

    11-10-09 A new study presents the first evidence that a basic sense of fairness and altruism(利他主义) appears in infancy. Babies as young as 15 months perceived the difference between equal and unequal distribution of food, and their awareness of equal ra...

  • 英国医生分离两名连头女婴

    11-09-19 Twins who were born joined at the head have been successfully separated by a team of British doctors. 一队英国医生成功将两名连头婴儿分离开来。 The twins do not appear to have suffered neurological side effects as a result of surgery Baby girls Rital...

  • 婴儿出生月份影响未来职业

    11-09-11 The time of year a baby is born can shape what profession they will embark on in later life, a new study has suggested. 一项新研究表明,婴儿出生的月份会影响他将来从事的职业方向。 Being born in a certain month appears to indicate the statistical like...

  • 韩国牧师设立弃婴收容箱救助弃婴

    11-09-04 Hundreds of unwanted babies are abandoned on the streets of Seoul, South Korea, every year. Many of them don't survive, but Rev. Jong-rak Lee of Jesus-Loving Union Church has set up a way for saving some of these unwanted babies. Outside his church...

  • 婴儿潮一代:70岁才步入老年

    11-07-17 Baby boomers believe that middle age lasts until they are 70, a study has found. 最新研究发现,婴儿潮一代认为,到70岁他们才步入老年。 When questioned by researchers, the post-war generation said on average they felt 'old' only after entering their e...

  • 三个月大的宝宝就能辨别人声

    11-07-09 It is precious 'me time' that many new mothers use to catch up on telephone calls and conversations. But the next time your baby has a nap, watch what you say. 许多新妈妈都很珍惜独处的时光,趁着宝宝休息时打打电话,聊聊天,但下一次在宝宝打盹时,请注...

  • 《十日拍拖手册》二

    11-04-07 影片对白: Michelle: Hi. Jeannie: Hi. Michelle: I-I don't really want to talk about it, okay? Jeannie: Okay. Andie: Okay. Michelle: Okay. Why does this always happen to me? Things were going great for, like, a week and a half, and then, all of a sud...

  • Hans-My-Hedgehog

    11-04-06 Once upon a time there was a peasant who had money and land enough, but as rich as he was, there was still something missing from his happiness: He had no children with his wife. Often when he went to the city with the other peasants, they would moc...

  • 欧盟禁止奶瓶材料中使用丙二酚

    10-11-26 The European Commission has announced a ban on the use of Bisphenol-A (BPA) in plastic baby bottles. 欧盟委员会宣布禁止在儿童塑料奶瓶中使用丙二酚材料。 The commission cited fears that the compound could affect development and immune response in youn...

  • 母乳喂养时服用癫痫药物不会损害孩子智商

    10-11-26 There's good news for women with epilepsy(癫痫) . Breastfeeding your baby while taking your seizure medication may have no harmful effect on your child's IQ later on, according to a study published in the November 24, 2010, online issue of Neurolo...