• 英艺术家在准妈妈肚皮上作画

    14-07-20 英国《每日邮报》报道,艺术家凯莉普雷斯顿在准妈妈的肚皮上作画,以创造出属于妈妈们独特的孕期记忆,经她作画的孕妇已经有130多个。她设计的肚皮画既有鸟、动物,也有电影场景。画的内容多反映了准妈妈们最爱的书籍或是电影。 Who needs maternity clothes when your...

  • 芬兰宝宝为何睡纸板箱

    14-06-27 It's a tradition that dates back to the 1930s and it's designed to give all children in Finland, no matter what background they're from, an equal start in life. 据报道这项传统始于20世纪30年代,政府实施这一举措旨在让所有婴儿都能拥有一个平等的人生开端...

  • 婴幼儿为何喜欢玩躲躲猫

    14-05-03 Peekaboo is a game played over the world, crossing language and cultural barriers. Why is it so universal? Perhaps because its such a powerful learning tool. 躲躲猫游戏风行世界各地,跨越语言和文化障碍,为何它如此普遍?也许因为它是一种强大的学习工具...

  • It might be the light

    14-04-08 Deep In the back woods of Tennessee, a hillbilly's wife went into labor in the middle of the night, and the doctor was called out to assist in the delivery. Since there was no electricity, the doctor handed the father-to-be a lantern and said, Here....

  • The Ugliest Baby 最丑的小孩

    14-03-12 A woman gets on a bus with her baby. The driver says: Ugh, that's the ugliest baby I've ever seen. The woman walks to the rear of the bus and sits down, fuming. She says to a man next to her: The driver just insulted me. The man says: You go up ther...

  • 美国第二例患艾滋病的婴儿被治愈

    14-03-06 US researchers have revealed another baby carrying the HIV virus may have been cured through early treatment. 美国研究人员透露,另一例携带艾滋病毒的婴儿通过早期治疗可能已经被治愈。 Antiretrovial drugs were reportedly administered to the baby in Cali...

  • Invocation, and a Sort of Lullaby

    14-02-26 Invocation, and a Sort of Lullaby Jonathan Weinert ~ Bills unpaid, and half the rent, the baby Pleistocene with borrowed heat, I sing. No one coaxes(哄骗) or demurs(异议,反对) . Empty fail the savage pines, their stock of seed already spent. Th...

  • baby brain 孕傻

    13-12-13 Just when a pregnant woman might need to multitask, research has confirmed that the long-suspected baby brain effect kicks in, as suspected, and may impair memory for up to a year after birth. 怀孕的女人本就需要身兼多职,而研究却证实长久以来流传的孕...

  • 大蒜能减少婴儿配方奶粉中的污染物

    13-11-26 Garlic may be bad for your breath, but it's good for your baby, according to a new study from the University of British Columbia. The study, recently published in Applied and Environmental Microbiology, is the first to identify two compounds derived...

  • 母亲脑死亡92天后剖腹产婴儿成功降生

    13-11-17 据英国《每日电讯》报道,匈牙利一家医院的医生们在母亲宣布脑死亡92天后成功地接生了一个健康早产婴儿。 Hungarian doctors kept a baby alive in its mother's womb 92 days after she had been declared brain dead. Doctors at a Hungarian hospital have delivere...