• 5个矛盾修辞

    16-05-05 Open secret 公开的秘密 原本是个秘密,但知道的人多了,也就成了公开的秘密。 例句: Everyone at the party knew about Sarahs new boyfriend as it was an open secret. 聚会上的每个人都知道萨拉的新男友了,简直就是公开的秘密。 Small crowd 人还没那么多 500人...

  • 托儿所常用词

    16-02-14 high chair 儿童椅 pacifier 奶嘴 baby bottle 奶瓶 bib 围嘴 teddy bear 泰迪熊 blanket 毯子 baby wipes 婴儿湿巾 rattle 摇响器 diaper 尿布 crib 婴儿床 playpen 游戏围栏 stroller 婴儿车 rocking horse 摇摆木马 booties 婴儿袜...

  • 美国不同的时代

    16-02-04 Lost Generation迷惘的一代 迷惘的一代常用来泛指任何失去了价值观或道德迷失的一代。大多数情况特指一战期间至结束后成长起来的年轻一代。因为战争造成人口锐减和战后漫无目的、失去方向的生活得以此命名。Lost generation一词可以追溯到海明威在1926年发表的小说《太...

  • 汪星人捉弄自己只为逗小婴儿开心

    15-11-29 This excitable dog just loves his six-month-old owner - and will do anything to make him smile. 这只欢乐的狗狗太爱它六个月大的小主人了,为了逗笑小主人它愿意做任何事。 The French Bulldog, called Rupert, is seen spinning around and around in circles a...

  • fur baby 毛宝宝

    15-11-18 Fur baby refers to a person's dog, cat, or other furry pet animal, that is more like one's child. 毛宝宝是指一个人的狗、猫或其他带毛的宠物,更像是某人的孩子。 It's one of the new the collection of words added by the Oxford English Dictionary. So, if...

  • shaken baby syndrome 摇晃婴儿综合征

    15-10-29 Shaken baby syndrome is the most common cause of death or serious neurological injury resulting from child abuse. 摇晃婴儿综合征是因虐童行为导致儿童或造成其神经严重受损最常见的原因。 It has been a recognized diagnosis for several decades, though man...

  • anchor baby 定锚婴儿

    15-09-09 U.S. Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush on Monday said his use of the term anchor babies to describe U.S.-born children of non-citizen parents was taken out of context and not derogatory, saying he was referring solely to activity he views a...

  • 徐若瑄近日生下一名男婴

    15-08-18 Taiwan star Vivian Hsu announces on Facebook that she has given birth to a boy, her first child with husband Sean Lee. 台湾明星徐若瑄在Facebook上宣布生下一名男婴,这是他与丈夫李云峰的第一个孩子。 The new parents have named him Dalton Lee. The baby w...

  • 跟baby相关的习语和表达 2

    15-06-08 bottle baby 抱着瓶子的宝宝是什么意思?告诉你吧,这个习语指的是酒鬼。酒鬼每天抱着酒瓶,这么一联想非常好记。 例句: The bottle babies sat there, waiting to be thrown out at closing time. 酒鬼们坐在那,等着关门时被赶走。 babe in the woods Babe就是婴儿...

  • 跟baby相关的习语和表达 1

    15-06-08 baby-kisser 从字面上看,该词是吻婴儿的人。但实际上这是送给政坛人士的一种特别称谓,即政客的别名。Baby-kisser们为了争取民众支持、捞取选票,不惜花大量的时间与精力去讨好民众,时时刻刻笑脸相迎,见到母亲们抱着baby时也会故作姿态抢过baby来kiss一番,以示与民...