• 臀位正常分娩可能对母子都有利

    10-10-27 Most babies are delivered head-first, but in about 4% of all deliveries babies are born breech ― with their buttocks(臀部) or feet first. Doctors usually exercise caution and use caesarean sections(剖腹产) (C-sections) as the delivery method of...

  • 马来西亚一婴儿被猕猴摔死

    10-10-07 A baby in Malaysia has died after being snatched from home by a monkey which bit then dropped her from the roof. 马来西亚一个婴儿在家中被一只猴子抱走、啃咬并从屋顶被丢下致死。 Macaque monkeys can become aggressive when in search of food or mates The...

  • 糖类可减轻婴儿注射疼痛感

    10-05-13 Babies should be given something sugary before a jab to reduce pain, Canadian researchers say. 加拿大研究人员称,婴儿在接受注射之前可吃食一些糖类以减轻疼痛。 Sugary solutions reduced crying time, the researchers said. Experts at the University of To...

  • 胎儿的性别可影响到母亲的孕期心理压力

    10-04-30 University of Adelaide research is showing that the sex of the baby determines the way it responds to stressors during pregnancy and its ability to survive pregnancy complications. Male and female babies during pregnancy show different growth and de...

  • Infantino公司在美加召回问题婴儿背带

    10-03-25 More than 1m baby slings made by Californian company Infantino are being recalled in the US and Canada after reports of three deaths involving them. 美国加州Infantino公司宣布在美国和加拿大召回100多万套婴儿背带,据悉09年发生的三起婴儿死亡事件可能跟此...

  • 日本发明婴儿机器人 使人体验育儿乐趣

    10-03-13 It giggles and wiggles its feet when you shake its rattle, but will get cranky and cry from too much tickling: Meet Yotaro, a Japanese robot programmed to be as fickle as a real baby. 当你摇动它身体上的拨浪鼓时,它会扭动小脚丫,发出咯咯的笑声,但如...

  • 婴儿日间小睡可加强学习能力

    10-02-22 Anyone who grew up in a large family likely remembers hearing Don't wake the baby. While it reinforces the message to older kids to keep it down, research shows that sleep also is an important part of how infants learn more about their new world. Re...

  • The New Baby

    09-11-26 Mr. and Mrs. Taylor had a seven-year-old boy named Pat. Now Mrs. Taylor was expecting another child. Pat had seen babies in other people's houses and had not liked them very much, so he was not delighted about the news that there was soon going to b...

  • 婴儿的语言学习能力从子宫时期开始

    09-11-09 From their very first days, newborns' cries already bear the mark of the language their parents speak, reveals a new study published online on November 5th in Current Biology, a Cell Press publication. The findings suggest that infants begin picking...

  • Monkey mothers 'coo' over babies 母猴会向小猴“说情话”

    09-10-09 The tender interactions between mothers and newborns might not be limited to humans, scientists report. 科学家发现,母亲和新生儿亲密的相互作用可能不仅仅局限于人类。 The intense interactions only last for about a month Researchers have discovered tha...