• 沙特女性可以自由开车

    18-06-25 Saudi women are in the drivers seat for the first time in their country and steering their way through busy city streets just minutes after the worlds last remaining ban on women driving was lifted on Sunday. 世界上最后一个国家的女性禁驾周天刚解除,...

  • 研究:开豪车不利于找终身伴侣

    18-05-13 US researchers have found that driving a flashy car, is a turn-off for both men and women who are looking for a life partner. 美国研究人员发现,寻找终身伴侣的男女会对开豪车的人避而远之。 Despite the hefty price-tag and pleasing aesthetics, both sexe...

  • 大量吃水果有助于怀孕

    18-05-13 Eating plenty of fruit could help women conceive, a new study suggests. 一项新研究显示,女性吃大量水果有助于怀孕。 Researchers who looked at more than 5,500 women from Britain, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand found those who consumed the least fr...

  • 伊朗貌丑的教师将禁止进入教室

    17-08-31 Irans education department has banned ugly teachers from the classroom, including women with facial hair or those suffering from acne. 伊朗教育部门禁止貌丑的教师进入教室,包括面部有毛发的女性和患有痤疮的人。 A list of proscribed ailments, including...

  • 研究:考试前化妆有助于提高考试成绩

    17-07-03 Research shows that women who put on make-up before taking a test achieved ten to 20 percent higher marks than those who did not wear any. 研究发现,考试前化妆的女性比不化妆的女性成绩高出10%到20%。 Psychologists say the result could be down to the l...

  • 美国影院《神奇女侠》放映会 只限女性参加的

    17-05-28 With Wonder Woman fast approaching cinemas -- and with good first reactions to boot -- many fans are growing increasingly excited for the DC film. 《神奇女侠》很快将在各影院上线,再加上首波放映反响不俗,许多粉丝对DC漫画公司的这部电影越来越期待。 The...

  • 越来越多的女性不再剃除体毛

    17-05-28 Almost one in four young women have stopped shaving their underarms, figures show. 数据显示,近四分之一的年轻女性已经不再剃除腋下的毛发。 Research by analysts Mintel shows that there has been a steady decline in millennial women removing hair from t...

  • misogynist 厌女症

    17-03-29 If youre someone who believes women belong in the kitchen and shouldnt be accorded the same respect as men, you might be a misogynist . 如果你觉得女性就该属于厨房,不应得到与男性同等的尊重,那你就是名厌女症患者。 Misogynist is a person who hates, di...

  • 川普言论“打扮得像个女人”激怒女性主义者

    17-02-06 Donald Trump has angered feminists all over again, after a new report suggests that he has told the female staff of his administration that they need to always dress like women when at work. 特朗普再一次激怒了女性主义者,一则最新报道显示,特朗普对其...

  • 工作时需要化妆吗?

    17-01-22 For women, wearing makeup at work can be a complex issue. They must balance looking professional with the risk of being objectified. Overall, research shows that use of cosmetics signals status. A new paper, published in October 2016 in Perception,...