• Till the last minute 直至最后一分钟

    14-09-16 Two sisters kept up a feud for 30 years. On Matilda's 70th birthday, Alice felt pang of remorse, but it passed. Yet later, when she heard Matilda was ill, she felt compelled to visit her. Matilda looked sternly at her younger sister. At last she sai...

  • Absent-minded 心不在焉

    14-07-09 A man was getting very absent-minded. One evening he went to visit a friend and chatted with him for about two hours. When he was going to leave, his friend asked, How is your family? The absent-minded man suddenly exclaimed. Good heavens! I forget...

  • 中国总理李克强出访英国

    14-06-17 Chinese Premier Li Keqiang is due to meet the Queen and David Cameron on the first full day of his visit to the UK. 中国总理李克强英国之行的第一天将与女王以及大卫卡梅伦举行会面。 The UK and China are expected to sign up to £18bn worth of commercial...

  • 2014世界十大旅游城市

    14-04-11 London has made it into the top three cities travellers most want to visit, just behind Rome and Istanbul. 伦敦荣幸上榜世界前三大最受欢迎的旅游城市,排名第三,仅次于罗马和伊斯坦布尔。 The UK capital beat the top two destinations from 2013 - Paris an...

  • 美国副总统乔·拜登将访问印度

    13-07-22 US Vice-President Joe Biden is due to begin a four-day visit to India to boost diplomatic and economic ties. 美国副总统乔拜登将要进行为期四天的印度国事访问,加强双方的外交、经济联系。 Mr Biden is the first US vice-president to visit India in three d...

  • 奥巴马将于六月访问部分非洲国家

    13-05-21 US President Barack Obama will visit Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania in June, the White House has said. 美国白宫称,奥巴马总统将于六月访问塞内加尔、南非和坦桑尼亚。 Mr Obama is expected to meet lawmakers as well as business and civil society lead...

  • 英美关系“独特而重要”

    12-03-13 David Cameron and Barack Obama have described the unique and essential relationship between the US and UK. 卡梅伦与奥巴马形容英美之间的关系是独特而重要的。 In a joint article for the Washington Post, the two leaders said the world counts on our alli...

  • 伯明翰入围2012旅游地排行榜

    12-01-16 Before jetting off to Paris, Madrid or Rome, American holidaymakers should consider a trip to Birmingham, according to a new list of places to visit in 2012. 根据新发布的2012年旅游地排行榜,在飞往巴黎、马德里或罗马之前,美国的度假者应该先考虑去伯明...

  • Pride and Prejudice - 30

    11-10-09 SIR WILLIAM staid only a week at Hunsford; but his visit was long enough to convince him of his daughter's being most comfortably settled, and of her possessing such a husband and such a neighbour as were not often met with. While Sir William was wi...

  • Facebook承认监视用户隐私信息

    11-09-30 Facebook has admitted that it monitors every single web page its members visit even when they have logged out. Facebook承认它监视用户访问的每个网页,就算用户已经退出登陆。 In its latest privacy blunder(大错) , the social networking site was forced...