• 大雪造成北欧交通瘫痪

    10-12-02 Heavy snowfall has caused disruption across northern Europe, closing airports and bringing traffic to a standstill. 北欧地区突降大雪,造成机场关闭、交通停止。 In Poland, eight homeless people died as temperatures fell below -20C (-4F). Airports were...

  • When the Leaves Are Gone

    10-11-26 On a beautiful Octorber day, my husband and I were taking a drive through the Georgia mountains. When traffic slowed to snail's pace, we assumed there was road construction or an accident ahead. My husband reached for the CB radio and asked, Can any...

  • 德国邮政发动出行者顺路投递包裹

    10-10-23 德国邮政近期宣布了一系列提升服务又环保的举措,具体做法是发动城市中普通的出行者们顺路投递包裹,希望由此可以减轻市中心的交通压力并且减少二氧化碳排放。 Germany's postal service has announced plans to explore improved service and help protect the enviro...

  • 莫斯科“斑马”上路 提高司机安全意识

    10-09-11 Traffic police in Moscow offered rides on horses and ponies painted as zebras Friday in an attempt to improve road safety and raise awareness among Russia's notoriously careless drivers. 上周五,莫斯科交通警察让路人有幸看到用油漆刷成的斑马,此举旨在...

  • 交通运输词汇

    10-07-20 高速铁路 high-speed rail 动车 bullet train 公交专用车道 bus lane 长安街整修 face-lift 轻轨列车 light rail train 隧桥 tunnel-bridge 舟山连岛工程 Zhoushan Island-Land Project (机动车)单双号限行 odd-and-even license plate rule 低噪音地铁 low-noise su...

  • 欧洲航空周四有望恢复正常

    10-04-22 Air traffic in Europe should be back to almost 100% on Thursday, after six days of unprecedented travel chaos, the air traffic agency Eurocontrol says. 欧洲航行安全组织称,在历时6天的空前交通混乱之后,欧洲航空运输有望在周四几乎100%恢复正常。 Airline...

  • 北京人上班路上用时多

    09-12-31 据一项最新调查显示,北京人每天上下班花在路上的时间正在增加,而这主要是由路面上不断在增加的机动车导致的。数据显示,自2007年至今,北京市机动车增加了100万辆,到12月25日,北京市机动车保有量已冲破400万辆大关。由此带来的直接影响是,北京人每天在上下班高峰...

  • 'Open internet' rules criticised “开放互联网”规则遭批评

    09-09-23 Mobile providers have said that US proposals to ensure all traffic on the internet is treated equally should not be applied to wireless traffic. 移动电话厂商称美国确保互联网上的全部流量都被公平对待的提议应该被应用于无线网络。 Studies show 60% of use...

  • 交通拥堵费 traffic jam fee

    09-09-21 继今年七月份广州传出对车辆征收交通拥堵费的方案之后,上海市也想采取这一政策来缓解道路拥挤问题,但是因为广州拟征收交通拥堵费遭到一片质疑声,所以上海市近日就这一政策向民众征求意见。 请看相关报道: Shanghai will solicit public opinion on auto plate auct...

  • North Korea to lift border curbs 朝鲜开放边境交通

    09-08-21 North Korea has said it will ease restrictions on cross-border traffic imposed last year amid rising tensions with the South. 朝鲜政府称他们将放缓去年实行的与韩国之间的过境交通管制。 Cargo lorries bound for Kaesong were only allowed to travel at cer...