• 《怦然心动》精彩词句

    23-02-06 1.Every morning we had to listen to the sound of her blow-by-blow traffic report. 每天早上我们不得不听她一遍又一遍的交通预报。 2.Id hate to see you swim out so far you cant swim back. 我不想看到你误入歧途并无法回头。 3.Bryce Loski was still walking...

  • 《疯狂动物城》第10章

    23-01-30 Judy drove around in her traffic cart until she found Nick pushing a baby stroller down the street. She smiled when she saw him. Hi! Hello? Its me again! Hey, its Officer Toot-Toot, said Nick with a smirk. Ha-ha-ho! Judy gave a fake laugh, humoring...

  • put your money where your mouth is 说到做到

    22-11-28 表达 put your money where your mouth is 指 用你的行动而不仅仅是你的言语来证明你支持或相信某事,就如汉语里说的 说到做到,付诸行动。在使用中,它常被用来表示 不只是嘴上说说或作出空洞的承诺,而要有实际行动,这里的 实际行动 常指 金钱上的投入。 例句 Hes a...

  • 《赛车总动员》第7章

    22-11-16 The Radiator Springs Traffic Court will come to order! the Sheriff called as Lightning rolled into the front of the courtroom, his boot clomping. The townsfolk were gathered in the courtroom and they were not happy. Hey, called Ramone, a lowrider wi...

  • 杰夫·贝索斯:印度的亚马逊(1)

    22-10-25 Tell me have, you seen any perceptible change in India apart from the traffic, when you came last? 告诉我,你最后一次来的时候,除了交通,你有没有看到印度发生了什么明显的变化? Apart from the traffic. You know its interesting. 除了交通方面之外。你知...

  • at a snail's pace 慢如蜗牛

    22-01-22 短语 at a snails pace(以蜗牛的速度) 的意思是 像蜗牛爬行一样,速度非常慢。 例句 The traffic is moving at a snails pace so were going to be late. 交通速度慢得像蜗牛一样,所以我们要迟到了。 Im so tired. Im only working at a snails pace today. 我太累...

  • Twilight 暮光之城:暮色 Chapter 10 Interrogations

    22-01-21 It was very hard, in the morning, to argue with the part of me that wassure last night was a dream. Logic wasnt on my side, or common sense. Iclung to the parts I couldnt have imagined like his smell. I was sureI could never have dreamed that up on...

  • TikTok访问量超过谷歌

    21-12-28 据外媒报道,根据追踪互联网流量的云基础设施公司 Cloudflare 的数据,TikTok是2021年全球访问量最大的互联网站点,超过了去年的领头羊Alphabet公司旗下的谷歌。 Move over Google, TikTok is the worlds new most popular online destination. 谷歌让一让,TikTok才是...