• 大脑如何集中注意力

    12-01-13 A new UC Davis study shows how the brain reconfigures its connections to minimize distractions(分心,干扰) and take best advantage of our knowledge of situations. In order to behave efficiently, you want to process relevant sensory information as...

  • 米兰限行机动车缓解空气污染

    11-10-15 因为空气污染严重,意大利北部城市米兰政府决定,除公共汽车外,9日当天8点至18点禁止其它一切机动车上路行驶。 The northern Italian city of Milan banned all traffic from its streets for 10 hours on Sunday in an attempt to reduce smog. The measure, first i...

  • 汽车尾气能诱发心脏病

    11-09-21 Breathing in heavy traffic fumes can trigger a heart attack, say UK experts. 英国专家称,长期暴露于交通尾气中会诱发心脏...

  • 美国、墨西哥大面积地区因线路故障停电

    11-09-09 A massive power outage has caused blackouts in the US states of California and Arizona, and in Mexico. 美国加利福尼亚州、亚利桑那州和墨西哥发生大面积停电事故。 Five million people were without power on Thursday, with many likely to remain out of ser...

  • 安全驾驶必备词汇

    11-08-31 窄路 Narrow road 滑路 Slippery road 弯路 Curve road 此路不通 Blocked / Road closed 修路 Road works ahead 改道 Diversion / Detour 险陡 Dangerous ahead 危险弯路 Dangerous curves 三岔路 Road junction 十字路 Cross road 回车道 Loop road 左(右)弯 Left (Ri...

  • parking fees 停车费

    11-08-23 Beijing will double daytime parking fees in downtown areas from April 1 in order to curb traffic congestion, said the municipal planning authority Tuesday. 北京市规划部门周二表示,为治理交通拥堵,北京市将于今年4月1日起将中心城区的停车费提高一倍。 文...

  • 美国空管员当班睡觉致高官引咎辞职

    11-04-16 The US official overseeing air traffic operations resigned on Thursday over a controversy involving disclosures about sleeping air traffic controllers. 美国民用机场空管人员频频被曝在当班时间睡觉引发争议,美国联邦空管局(FAA)的一名高官本周四为此引咎...

  • 航空调度员疲劳易导致空难发生

    11-01-21 Washington State University sleep researchers have determined that the air traffic controller in the crash of a Lexington, Ky., commuter flight was substantially fatigued(疲乏的) when he failed to detect that the plane was on the wrong runway and...

  • 雅加达将通过征税缓解交通拥堵

    10-12-29 Drivers in the Indonesian capital Jakarta will face higher taxes in the new year if they own more than one vehicle. 印尼首都雅加达的司机新年将面临高额税款,如果他们拥有的车超过一辆的话。 The number of vehicles in Jakarta has tripled in the last deca...

  • 圣诞前夕 欧洲某些客运列车将停止运行

    10-12-26 Train passengers making journeys before Christmas are being warned that some services have been reduced. 圣诞期间想要乘火车旅行的乘客将面临某些车次停运的问题。 First Capital Connect, Chiltern and Merseyrail are likely to cut up to 25% of their servi...