10-06-09 If you think summer in your hometown is hot, consider it fortunate that you don't live in the Turkana Basin of Kenya, where the average daily temperature has reached the mid-90s or higher, year-round, for the past 4 million years. The need to stay c...
10-06-05 If your surname is Smith, you got up at 6.45am today and you're planning a summer holiday in Spain, you're not alone. 如果你姓史密斯,今天是6点45分起床的,正在筹划去西班牙度假,那你并不是个特例。 Mr and Mrs Average: The typical British family holida...
10-06-04 虽然已经进入秋天,不过最近的天气仍然很热,这就是所谓的秋老虎了,那么,你知道秋老虎用英文怎么翻译吗? 秋老虎、小阳春,都是中文里特殊的表达方式,那么如何用英文来表达深秋季节的一段暖和天气呢?其实英文中有个与之相对应的短语, Indian summer 。 Indian sum...
10-05-26 Considering it simply as an excursion(短程旅行,远足) , George Scott thought, leaning over the side of the canal-boat and looking at the shadow of the hills in the water, his plan for spending his summer vacation might be a success, but he was not...
10-05-17 We lived on the banks of the Tennessee River, and we owned the summers when we were girls. We ran wild through humid(潮湿的,湿润的) summer days that never ended but only melted one into the other. We floated down rivers of weekdays with no school...
10-05-07 The onset(开始,进攻) of summer in England has been advancing since the mid 1950s, research from a pair of University of Sheffield geographers(地理学者) has shown. The investigations, conducted by Amy Kirbyshire, a former undergraduate of the Un...
10-04-17 法国著名的海滨度假胜地萨布尔奥洛讷近日公开招聘海滩防晒员,主要职责是在7月中旬到8月底海滩度假高峰期为到访游客涂抹防晒霜并讲解防晒知识。据悉,该职位计划招聘男女两位防晒员,要求应聘者性格外向,具备良好的沟通技巧,并且掌握一定的医疗知识。 A French Atlan...
10-03-19 A troupe of 10,780 tribal villagers in India's northeast set a record Friday for the largest dance ensemble in the world with a carefully choreographed routine to welcome in the summer. 印度东北部某部落上周五创造了一项新的集体竹竿舞世界纪录,10780名...
09-10-15 The Arctic Ocean could be largely ice-free and open to shipping during the summer in as little as ten years' time, a top polar specialist has said. 一位顶级极地专家称,再过短短10年的时间,北冰洋的夏季将不会出现大的海冰,这将使货运成为可能。 The yell...
09-08-15 Rock band Aerosmith have called off the remainder of their summer tour in the wake of singer Steven Tyler's on-stage accident last week. 作为上周歌手Steven Tyler舞台事故的结果,摇滚乐队史密斯飞船取消了所有的夏季行程。 Tyler's doctors have told him h...