• 夏季求职是最聪明的选择

    21-01-04 1. Interviewers are less pressed for time. Its a slow season in many industries. Accounting firms, for example, are busy in the winter and early spring, so summer is a great time for them to build and train their staff. 面试官的时间比较宽裕。对许多...

  • dog days of summer 三伏天

    20-10-13 在一些文章中,会把三伏天叫作dog days (of summer),这是怎么回事儿呢? Sanfu, also called Chinas dog days of summer, refers to three 10-day periods that are predicted to have the hottest days of the year. 其实在英语中,dog days专门来形容北半球7、8月这...

  • spring farming 春耕生产

    20-09-11 中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平近日对全国春季农业生产工作作出重要指示强调,当前,要在严格落实分区分级差异化疫情防控措施的同时,全力组织春耕生产,确保不误农时,保障夏粮丰收。 President Xi Jinping highlighted organizing timely spring farm...

  • 泰戈尔经典语录

    20-09-10 1. The furthest distance in the world,Is not between life and death. But when I stand in front of you,Yet you dont know that I love you. 世界上最遥远的距离不是生与死,而是我就站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你。 2. Sorrow is hushed into peace in my hear...

  • 2018夏季平均气温自1961年来最高

    18-08-28 The national average temperature in China this summer reached 22 degrees Celsius, the highest since 1961, with 55 weather monitoring stations posting record high daily temperatures, a meteorological official said on Monday. 一位气象官员周一表示,今...

  • 英国罕见酷暑 风扇都卖光

    18-07-30 Brits sweltering through the UKs longest heatwave since 1976 have taken to Twitter in a panic as they desperately seek out fans to keep them cool. 今年夏天,英国遭遇了自1976年以来最大的热浪,推特上也陷入一片恐慌,大家想尽一切办法买风扇给自己降温。 T...

  • 芬兰航空开通赫尔辛基飞南京的航班

    17-08-31 Finlands national airline on Wednesday announced the launch of services between Finnish capital Helsinki and Chinese ancient city Nanjing due next summer. 芬兰国家航空公司周三宣布将于明年夏天开通首都赫尔辛基飞往中国古城南京的航班。 Beginning on May...

  • 中国脸基尼正风靡澳大利亚

    17-08-20 As the weather warms up and people get ready to hit the beach, it appears a new age of Australian swimwear may be dawning. 随着天气变热,人们准备在沙滩上好好玩耍一番,澳洲泳衣的新时代似乎也将破晓而出。 The Face-Kini is shaping up to be this years bi...

  • 《变形金刚5:最后的骑士》今夏上映

    17-04-20 The fifth installment of the Hollywood live-action Transformers film series, Transformers: The Last Knight, will hit the worlds screens this summer. 《变形金刚》真人系列电影第五部《变形金刚5:最后的骑士》将于今夏登上全球荧屏。 Paramount Pictures sai...

  • 热涨冷缩

    16-06-21 Teacher: We all know that heat causes an object to expand an cold cauese it to contract. Now, can anyone give me a good example? John: Well, in the summer the days are long, and in the winter the days are short. 老师:我们都知道热胀冷缩的道理。现在...