• Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 6

    22-07-13 One day was very like another at the vicarage. Soon after breakfast Mary Ann brought in The Times. Mr. Carey shared it with two neighbours. He had it from ten till one, when the gardener took it over to Mr. Ellis at the Limes, with whom it remained...

  • 和夏天有关的地道表达

    22-06-28 Indian summer 秋高气爽的日子却是暖风徐徐,暖洋洋的让人不想动,根本没有入冬的自觉,这种暖到怪异的天气我们称为Indian summer。 Indian summer也意味着生命中迟来的幸福和成功,大器晚成。 Its a scorcher! Scorcher 形容天气很热很热。今年夏天是不是又一个热成狗...

  • 英语中副词在句子中的位置

    21-09-25 英语中副词在句子中的位置相对灵活,根据句子结构和副词种类的不同,有些可以用于从句的句首,而有些则应放在句中的动词前,或放在句尾使用。表示频率的常用副词 never、rarely、frequently 和强调程度的副词 incredibly 应该出现在句子中的哪个位置?看下面八道题中列...

  • to have a whale of a time 玩的非常痛快

    21-08-09 在口语表达中,to have a whale of a time 的意思是玩的非常痛快,度过了一段很开心的时光。 例句 I spent the summer holidays in Mexico and had a whale of a time! Mary is a real party girl. She goes out every night and has a whale of a time! 请注意 我们可...

  • a body blow 惨痛的失败 致命一击

    21-07-21 A body blow 是一个成语表达,说明一件事对另一件事造成了巨大打击,后果严重。 例句 His poor grade in the last essay was a body blow to his chances of graduating top of the class. Im sorry to hear you broke your wrist. Thanks, it was a real body blow. I...

  • If you were coming in the fall

    21-06-17 If you were coming in the fall 如果你能在秋季来到 作者:Emily Dickinson,译者:江枫 If you were coming in the fall, 如果你能在秋季来到, Id brush the summer by 我会用掸子把秋季掸掉, With half a smile and half a spurn, 一半轻蔑,一半含笑, As housew...

  • 咏怀诗选(七)

    21-06-16 咏怀诗选(七) Selections from Songs of My Heart 7 阮籍 炎暑惟兹夏,三旬将欲移。 芳树垂绿叶,青云自逶迤。 四时更代谢,日月递参差。 徘徊空堂上,忉怛莫我知。 愿睹卒欢好,不见悲别离。 This sweltering heat will take its leave of us, the summer months wi...

  • 山亭夏日

    21-06-16 山亭夏日 A Summers Day in a Hill Garden 高骈 绿树阴浓夏日长, 楼台倒影入池塘。 水晶帘动微风起, 满架蔷薇一院香。 Green trees, greener shades, and the summers day is long. Fine buildings study their own reflections in the pond. The crystal curtains s...

  • 夏日南亭怀辛大

    21-06-16 夏日南亭怀辛大 Thinking of Xin the First: the Southern Pavilion, Summer 孟浩然 山光忽西落,池月渐东上。 散发乘夕凉,开轩卧闲敞。 荷风送香气,竹露滴清响。 欲取鸣琴弹,恨无知音赏。 感此怀故人,中宵劳梦想。 Westward, the mountain light dips out; a pond...

  • 夏日香水推荐

    21-06-09 Escentric Molecules M+ Molecule 01 + Iris 古怪分子 Molecule 01 + Iris The most famous scent has been updated with a dash of iris, which adds a powdery quality to the light woody notes. 这款大名鼎鼎的香水新加入了少许鸢尾,给这款淡木质香调加入了粉质香...