• Taking a Stand

    12-12-03 The summer before fifth grade, my world was turned upside down when my family moved from the country town where I was born and raised to a town near the beach. When school began, I found it difficult to be accepted by the kids in my class who seemed...

  • 夏季的温馨

    12-11-08 Sweet, wild berries plucked from roadside patches are a delightful side benefit of camping. Each summer, my husband Bob and I would send the kids off with their little metal buckets and the next day we would all enjoy the fruits of their labor: rasp...

  • The Things Kids Say 童言无忌

    12-10-26 One summer evening during a violent thunderstorm a mother was tucking her small boy into bed. She was about to turn off the light when he asked with a tremor in his voice,Mommy, will you sleep with me tonight? The mother smiled and gave him a reassu...

  • 世界最高气温可能为不准确数值

    12-09-14 If you think this summer was hot, it's nothing compared to the summer of 1913, when the hottest temperature ever recorded was a searing 134 degrees Fahrenheit in Death Valley, Calif. But while that reading was made 99 years ago, it is only being rec...

  • 应对城市热岛效应的折衷方法

    12-09-10 A team of researchers from Arizona State University have found that warming resulting from megapolitan expansion is seasonally dependent, with greatest warming occurring during summer and least during winter. Among the most practical ways to combat...

  • 草坪喷漆服务在美国悄然兴起

    12-07-21 今夏,美国各地遭遇高温天气,各家的草坪也因此变得枯黄,甚至干死。不过,纽约和新泽西州一些社区的草坪却格外翠绿,原因是他们的主人给这些草坪喷了纯植物的绿漆。 Despite the summer's persistent heat waves, the grass really is greener in some neighborhoods...

  • The Long Goodbye

    12-05-04 They grow up too soon, everyone told me. Eighteen years later, I finally understand what they meant. It's nearly the end of summer break and my son goes out with friends. Ten minutes after he leaves home, I receive his text: Here. It's the same mess...

  • 夏夜惊魂

    12-03-29 The fact that Henry Armstrong was buried did not seem to him to prove that he was dead: he had always been a hard man to convince(说服) . That he really was buried, the testimony of his senses compelled him to admit. His posture - flat upon his ba...

  • summer drought 伏旱

    12-02-23 Soaring temperatures and little rainfall have worsened the drought in the Ningxia Hui and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regions, as well as the provinces of Gansu, Guizhou and Hunan. 高温和少雨天气使宁夏回族自治区、内蒙古自治区,以及甘肃、贵州和湖南等省...

  • summer pilgrimage 暑期高校游

    12-02-15 Students' summer pilgrimage to top universities 学生掀起暑期高校游 Tens of thousands of students from all over China are swamping leading universities in the capital city during the summer vacation, some in organized groups for a summer camp and som...