• 美国枪支暴力成5至18岁儿童第二大死因

    22-10-14 美国死于枪下的学龄儿童人数急剧增加,凶杀案发生率约为发达国家的6至9倍。枪支暴力成5至18岁儿童第二大死因。这一趋势使临床医学、公共卫生和政策面临的挑战越来越严峻。 Firearm-related deaths in school-age children are dramatically increasing in the United S...

  • selfiecide 自拍身亡

    22-10-12 一个悠闲的周一下午,无聊点开了Urban Dictionary的首页,万万没想到,挂在首页的第一个词竟!然!是selfiecide 这个词显然是selfie(自拍)和suicide(自杀)的复合体,这样结合在一起,意思不就是,自拍身亡?? 这样两个毫不相干的词,背后究竟隐藏了多少故事啊!...

  • 日本儿童自杀人数创四十多年来新高

    21-10-18 自杀是日本的主要社会问题之一。自从新冠疫情暴发后,日本女性自杀率开始飙升,学龄儿童的自杀人数也创下了40多年来的新高,与此同时旷课学生数量也居高不下。 Child suicides in Japan are the highest they have been in more than four decades, local media have r...

  • 凯特·丝蓓创始人家中自杀身亡

    18-06-09 Fashion designer Kate Spade has been found dead in her New York apartment. 知名时尚设计师凯特斯佩德近日被发现在纽约的家中身亡。 Police are investigating her death as an apparent suicide. Spade - who once edited fashion magazine Mademoiselle - was we...

  • 中国使用AI技术防止自杀

    18-02-07 China is using AI technology to identify users who express suicidal thoughts on microblog site Weibo in order to prevent suicide attempts. 中国将使用人工智能技术在微博上识别有自杀想法的用户以阻止自杀。 Zhu Tingshao, a researcher with the Chinese Aca...

  • 中国青少年主要死因是自杀

    17-04-24 Suicide has become the leading cause of death of young Chinese people, aged between 15 and 35, according to a survey carried out by the Chinese Ministry of Health. 中国卫生部的一项调查显示,自杀已成为15至35岁的中国青少年死亡主要原因。 Young people t...

  • 埃及航空班机上有乘客跟劫持者合影留念

    16-04-04 A passenger from the hijacked EgyptAir flight who had the cheek to take a photograph with his captor is a 26-year-old British man from Leeds. 被劫持的埃及航空班机上,竟有一位乘客跟劫持者合影留念,让人大跌眼镜。这位乘客是一名26岁的英国人,家住利兹。...

  • 韩国自杀倾向新疗法 躺入木棺思考人生

    15-11-06 A new treatment for suicidal patients in South Korea involves locking them up in wooden coffins. The fake death experience apparently helps students appreciate life better after confronting a simulated version of their last moments. 韩国出现自杀倾向...

  • 霍金:如果无法做出任何贡献将考虑协助自杀

    15-06-05 Professor Stephen Hawking, the physicist, would consider assisted suicide if he felt he had nothing more to contribute to the world and was merely a burden, he has said. 物理学家史蒂芬霍金教授曾表示,如果他觉得自己无法再对这个世界做出任何贡献,而仅...