• 法国允许辅助自杀

    13-02-18 法国医学道德委员会近日通过一项规定,称病人在神志清醒的情况下坚决、反复要求结束生命时,应允许对其施行辅助自杀。由此,法国在安乐死合法化进程中又迈进了一步。 France's medical ethics council moved a step closer to legalizing euthanasia(安乐死) by ruli...

  • 美军驻阿富汗某基地遭汽车炸弹袭击

    12-12-26 A suicide car bomber has killed at least three Afghan civilians near a US military base in the south-eastern Afghan city of Khost, police say. 一个自杀式汽车炸弹在阿富汗东南部城市霍斯特一座美军军事基地附近爆炸,至少三名阿富汗平民被杀。 They say the...

  • 反恐词汇

    12-11-26 suicide bombings 人肉炸弹 launch strikes 发动进攻 hand over 交出 stronghold 要塞据点 refueling stop 补给站 blitz 闪电战,尤指空袭 air raid 空袭 extremist 极端分子 commando 突击队 al Qaeda 基地组织 Taliban 塔利班 counterterrorism professionals 反恐专...

  • 北约在阿富汗某军事基地遭袭击

    12-10-17 A suicide car bomber has struck a joint Afghan-Nato military base in eastern Paktia province, say officials. 阿富汗东部帕克蒂亚省,一辆自杀式汽车炸弹袭击了一处阿富汗北约的军事基地。 Nato spokesman Maj Adam Wojack said there were a number of casualti...

  • 尼日利亚某教堂遭炸弹袭击

    12-09-24 A suicide bomber has attacked a church in Bauchi, northern Nigeria, killing at least two people and injuring 48, according to the Red Cross. 尼日利亚北部包奇州一座教堂遭自杀式炸弹袭击,造成至少两人死亡、48人受伤。 Police said the bomber's car was st...

  • 养猫的女性更易患精神疾病

    12-07-07 最新一项研究发现,养猫的女性更容易患精神疾...

  • 英国男子劈腿20多年未被发现

    12-06-30 A supermarket manager committed suicide after the two families he had been hiding just ten miles apart for more than two decades discovered his secret double life. 英国一位超市经理在过去20多年中分别和两位女子组建家庭,而且两个家只相隔10英里。事情败...

  • 2012年美军士兵自杀率明显攀升

    12-06-16 美国国防部发布的最新数据显示,2012年美军现役士兵自杀率明显攀升,几乎每天都有一名士兵自杀。 Suicide in the US military has sharply increased this year, hitting a rate of almost one death per day, figures show. As of 3 June, 2012 active-duty suicides...

  • 自杀率上升引韩国政府关注

    12-06-11 South Korea has appointed a team of people to scan the internet for suicide-related material as part of a move to cut suicide rates. 韩国已指派一组人员在网络中搜查与自杀相关的材料,这是为降低自杀率而采取的行动之一。 The 100-strong group of watchdogs...

  • 阿富汗坎大哈城发生自杀式炸弹袭击

    12-06-06 A suicide bomber has killed at least 21 people in an attack on a hotel near the Afghan city of Kandahar. 一名自杀式炸弹袭击者在阿富汗坎大哈城某旅馆附近发动袭击,造成至少21人死亡。 Provincial police chief Abdul Raziq said drivers working to supply Na...