• 英国驻阿文化协会遭自杀式袭击

    11-08-19 Suicide attackers have stormed the British Council office in the Afghan capital Kabul, killing at least eight people, with fears the toll may rise. 自杀式袭击者攻击了阿富汗首都喀布尔的英国文化协会办公室,杀死至少8人,死亡人数恐怕将继续上升。 After a...

  • 阿富汗发生自杀式袭击 3人死亡

    11-08-02 Three guards belonging to a private security company have been killed in a suicide attack in northern Afghanistan. 阿富汗南部地区发生一起自杀式炸弹袭击,三位隶属于某私营安保公司的守卫被杀。 The incident happened near a building in Kunduz city when a...

  • FBI监视可能导致海明威自杀

    11-07-09 诺贝尔文学奖获得者欧内斯特海明威的好友霍奇纳日前在《纽约时报》发表回忆文章称,FBI因怀疑海明威与古巴领导人卡斯特罗有往来而对其进行24小时监视,他们对海明威的窃听和跟踪让海明威焦虑不已并最终导致心理崩溃。 Ernest Hemingway: The FBI had compiled a 127-pa...

  • 瑞士禁止协助自杀被投票否决

    11-05-23 Voters in Zurich overwhemingly rejected on Sunday proposed bans on assisted suicide and suicide tourism -- foreigners traveling to Switzerland to receive help ending their lives. 上周日,苏黎世选民以压倒性多数投票否决了禁止协助自杀和自杀旅游的议案。...

  • 印尼发生自杀式炸弹袭击 伤28人

    11-04-17 A suspected suicide bomber has attacked a mosque in Indonesia, killing himself and wounding 28 people. 印度尼西亚一位自杀式袭击嫌疑犯攻击了一座清真寺,杀死了他自己并导致28人受伤。 Most of the wounded are police officers, as the attack happened durin...

  • 伊拉克公交车遭遇自杀式炸弹袭击

    11-02-13 A suicide bomber in Iraq has killed at least 27 people in an attack on a bus carrying Shia pilgrims, police say. 伊拉克警方称,一位自杀式人体炸弹袭击了一辆载有什叶派朝圣者的公共汽车,至少27人死亡。 The explosion took place just outside the Sunni-maj...

  • 巴基斯坦陆军基地遭遇自杀式炸弹袭击

    11-02-10 A suicide bomber has attacked an army facility in Pakistan's troubled north-west, killing at least 20 soldiers and injuring others, officials say. 巴基斯坦官员称,一个人体炸弹袭击了动乱的西北部地区的一座军事设施,杀死至少20名士兵并使多人受伤。 Polic...

  • 俄总统立誓严惩机场爆炸案真凶

    11-01-25 Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has vowed to track down and punish those behind an apparent suicide bomb attack at Moscow's Domodedovo airport killed 35 people and injured more than 100. 俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫立誓将追捕并惩罚莫斯科多莫杰多沃机场自杀...

  • 日本连续13年自杀人数超3万

    11-01-15 日本警察厅发布的初期数据显示,2010年日本的自杀人数为31560人,连续13年超过3万。 The number of people who committed suicide in Japan totaled 31,560 in 2010, topping 30,000 for the 13th straight year, the National Police Agency said in a preliminary(...

  • 阿富汗警署遭自杀式炸弹袭击

    10-11-29 Two suicide bombers have attacked a police HQ in Afghanistan's south-eastern Paktika province, officials say, killing at least 12 officers. 阿富汗东南部帕克蒂卡省警察总部遭到两起自杀式炸弹袭击,至少12名警官丧生。 A Taliban spokesman said its fighter...