21-02-25 手机和现代人的生活越来越紧密,最近,很多语言中都衍生出了和手机文化有关的词语,比如,中文里的低头族指的是边走路边看手机的人,这类人在德国被称作手机僵尸 smombies。 Are you addicted to your smartphone? Do you check your phablet in the middle of the nig...
21-02-18 中国演出行业协会发布新制定的《演出行业演艺人员从业自律管理办法》,业内首次明确劣迹艺人惩戒和复出程序。 Chinese celebrities could face permanent bans from television, film, livestreaming, and offline events if they fail to comply with the self-discip...
21-02-09 你是早起的鸟还是夜猫子?如果答案是夜猫子,那么你可能会遭受社交时差的折磨。如果你是每天早上为了上班不得不痛苦的从被窝里爬起来,而利用周末补觉的人,那么我们找到了可能帮助你调整睡眠的好方法。 From Monday to Friday, many of us have an early start and a...
21-02-01 1月28日召开的中共中央政治局会议指出,各地区各部门要从巩固党的执政基础和维护国家政权安全的高度,推进基层治理体系和治理能力现代化建设。会议强调,要加强党对基层治理的领导,提高基层治理效能。 The Partys leadership of its grassroots organizations should...
21-01-07 你也许听说过 九五后 这个称谓。在西方很多国家,人们把出生于九十年代中叶后,2010年前的年轻人统称为 Z世代。有人认为,出生于互联网时代的他们对科技产物有着天生的敏锐感。你了解这代人吗?你同意这种用年龄归类的方式吗? When were you born? If it was in the l...
21-01-04 We all know the importance of education. Everyone aspires to have a good one, but its quality and availability is not the same for all. This situation changes as social, economic and political conditions change and technological development provides...
20-12-05 1. I _______ my social media profile every month. a) chat b) hide c) update d) like 2. I love _______ my favourite songs on Weibo. a) hiding b) chatting c) trolling d) sharing 3. My new profile photo got 56 _______. Thats more than I expected! a) li...
20-11-08 Have you ever been on social media and seen your favourite celebrity talking about a product? These endorsements might not be totally random, and are actually seen as a vital part of the marketing process. The question is: How do social media influe...
20-10-24 科技部表示,我国通过政府引导、央地联动等方式大幅提升基础研究投入。基础研究投入从2015年的716亿元增长到2019年的1335.6亿元,年均增幅达到16.9%,大大高于全社会研发投入的增幅。 Through government support and coordination of enterprises and social entities...
20-10-13 词语trending指的是一种流行方式。如果一个词语或者题目是trending,那证明它是被应用到社交媒体上的。 Pictures of cute cats are trending online right now! 现在网上流行可爱的猫咪的图片。 News of his engagement is trending on Facebook. 关于他订婚的新闻最近...