22-04-07 A British organization is planning to set Valentines Day as Anti-Selfie Day, calling for face-to-face communication. 英国组织拟将情人节定为反自拍日,呼吁面对面沟通交流。 The British organization Loveflutter dislikes superstars, including Kim Kardash...
22-03-29 小伙伴们平时上微信、微博时都会看到很多点赞量特高的帖子,对于这种帖子我们一般都比较关注,但是点击农场(click farm)的存在却让点赞量掺杂了不少水分,不造大家有没有注意到这个问题? Celebrities, businesses and even the U.S. State Department have bought b...
22-03-22 ① social network 该短语除了指Facebook或微信这样的互联网社交网络,还指真实社会当中的人脉社交网络。 例:He has a powerful social network. 他有一张很强大的人脉关系网。 ② connections 表示人脉关系,connection一定要在末尾加s。 例:He has connections in...
22-02-28 基本养老保险全国统筹已于今年1月1日正式实施。 China has started nationwide pooling of basic pension funds since Jan 1 this year, Vice Minister of Finance Yu Weiping said at a press conference. 财政部副部长余蔚平22日在新闻发布会上表示,企业职工基本养...
22-02-28 在现代社会,无论大人还是小孩,沉迷于社交媒体无法自拔的比比皆是。一名母亲在目睹了社交媒体对女儿们的影响后,给自己12岁的儿子出了一个狠招,只要儿子六年不用社交媒体,就在他18岁生日那天给他1800美元的奖励。 If someone said theyd pay you $1,800 to stay off...
22-01-04 日前,第四期中国妇女社会地位调查领导小组办公室召开工作交流会,发布主要数据情况。 China has created a better social environment for womens individual overall development and achieved wider recognition of gender equality in the past decade, said the s...
21-12-29 退出社交软件 说好早上七点开始复习,翻开资料,拿起手机,开始刷抖音、刷朋友圈、刷微博社交媒体就是复习路上最大的绊脚石。 Social media is electronic ADHD. It will sink a cram session like an elephant in a row boat. Furthermore, Kim Kardashian wont tweet...
21-12-17 自11月放宽防疫措施以来,韩国新增新冠确诊病例数飙升,创下单日新增近8000例的纪录。韩国政府12月16日正式宣布再次收紧防疫政策,在全国范围内禁止5人及以上的私人社交聚会。此举意味着韩国政府在事实上叫停了实施了一个多月的与新冠共存防疫模式。 South Korea will...
21-10-27 研究反复证实,社交媒体上的负面新闻看多了对人的精神健康有害无益。尽管如此,疫情期间想要戒掉社交媒体实在太难。怎样才能让自己开心地使用社交媒体?来看看科学家的解答。 Picture this: youre between Zoom meetings, and scrolling through your social media new...
21-10-09 加拿大最近一项研究发现,音乐的下载模式与传染病的流行曲线非常相似。 Dora Rosati, lead author of the study and former graduate in maths and statistics at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada along with colleagues, wondered whether they could learn a...