• 如何在网上保护个人隐私?

    21-09-10 随着社交媒体的普及,有越来越多的人习惯在网上 晒 出自己生活的点点滴滴。但你有没有担心自己不慎在网上分享了私人信息? Some of us like to keep some things private maybe we dont want people knowing about our relationship status, our age or where we live...

  • social phobia 社恐

    21-09-10 社恐可以译作social phobia或social anxiety disorder (SAD)。 phobia /fbi/的意思是恐惧症。 例句: He has a phobia about flying. 他对飞行有恐惧症。 Social phobia is the third largest psychological problem in the world today. 社交恐惧症是当今世界第三大...

  • up-and-coming 前程似锦

    21-07-02 复合词 up-and-coming 的字面意思是即将出现的,即将到来的,但其实际所指的意思是崭露头角的,积极进取的,前途光明的。它通常出现在名词前,比如:an up-and-coming neighbourhood 一个有发展潜能的住宅区。 例句 Hes only 15, but hes an up-and-coming footballer....

  • 《The Social Network》社交网络

    21-06-18 The Social Network is a 2010 American drama film directed by David Fincher and written by Aaron Sorkin. Adapted from Ben Mezrichs 2009 book The Accidental Billionaires, the film portrays the founding of social networking website Facebook and the res...

  • 科学和文化类专业在澳大利亚的招生人数最多

    21-06-09 Good Education Groups statistics show that majors in Society and Culture boast the highest enrollments in Australia (66,884). 好教育集团的数据显示,科学和文化类专业在澳大利亚的招生人数最多(6万6884名)。 Care for the Aged and Childrens Services are...

  • global ecological and environmental governance 全球生态环境

    21-05-28 5月26日,国家主席习近平向世界环境司法大会致贺信。习近平指出,中国愿同世界各国、国际组织携手合作,共同推进全球生态环境治理。 President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the World Judicial Conference on Environment on May 26, saying that Chin...

  • 霸王龙曾像狼群一样成群捕食?

    21-05-16 霸王龙是否比我们想象中的更善于交际?一直以来,科学家们都曾以为霸王龙是离群索居的食肉动物,喜欢独自捕食和生活。然而,来自美国阿肯色大学的一组古生物学家可能发现了有关这种可怕动物的一个新理论。 The theory that tyrannosaurs were social animals was first...

  • 如何鉴别谁是你的真朋友

    21-05-07 如何鉴别谁是你的真朋友? 想必是很多人的困惑。多伦多大学心理学教授乔丹彼得森(Jordan B. Peterson)在一次演讲中为大家支了两招: 第一,你可以倾诉坏消息,这时朋友们的态度便相当重要。 You can tell them bad news and theyll listen. They wont tell you why y...

  • 五一热门方向的火车票瞬间秒没

    21-04-19 你抢到五一假期的票了吗?五一假期第一天的火车票开售。不少热门方向的火车票手快有手慢无,瞬间秒没! Train tickets to some of the most popular destinations for this years May Day holiday sold out the moment they became available, causing platforms to te...

  • 脱粉

    21-04-19 01 在社交网络上,脱粉取关就是 unfollow。 Alice has unfollowed Marc on Weibo, and Marc has returned the favor. 爱丽丝取关了马克的微博,马克反手也取关了她。 02 脱粉还可以是删除好友,英文表达是unfriend,牛津词典将unfriend定义为: To remove someone as a...