• 多样性如何使我们更聪明

    17-01-22 The first thing to acknowledge about diversity is that it can be difficult. In the U.S., where the dialogue of inclusion is relatively advanced, even the mention of the word diversity can lead to anxiety and conflict. Supreme Court justices disagree...

  • 中国将加快教育现代化进程

    17-01-20 Chinas State Council has issued a plan on educational development for the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020), which aims to achieve major progress by 2020. 中国国务院公布发展教育的第13个五年计划(2016-2020),计划于2020年前在教育领域取得重大发展...

  • 赴美旅游将需提交社交媒体信息

    16-12-30 The US government has begun asking select foreign travelers to disclose their social media activities as part of an expanded effort to spot potential terrorist threats. 美政府加大排查潜在恐怖威胁力度,已要求部分外国游客公开他们的社交媒体活动信息。 T...

  • 新西兰艺术家创作出可食用的美甲

    16-12-28 New Zealand nail artist Jessie Mills has created edible nails made out of chocolate - but even she admits that theyre not exactly pretty. 新西兰美甲艺术家杰西米尔斯用巧克力创作出了可食用美甲但就连她自己也承认这些指甲没那么漂亮。 Despite dividing opi...

  • 可口可乐推出全新自拍可乐瓶

    16-12-04 Coca-Cola is taking the millennial narcissism culture to the next level with a new gadget that lets consumers snap selfies while sipping its soda. 可口可乐为广大消费者们推出了一款边喝汽水边使用的全新自拍装置,把千禧一代的自恋风潮推向了一个新的高度。...

  • party promise 聚会上的约定

    16-08-24 Party promises are those plans you make at the end of social gatherings where one, if not both, promiser never actually intends on following through. Party promise(派对诺言或聚会上的约定)指的是在某个社交聚会结束时跟别人做出的约定,但约定的一方,甚...

  • 与家庭成员关系密切的老年人死亡几率小

    16-08-23 For older adults, having more or closer family members in ones social network decreases his or her likelihood of death, but having a larger or closer group of friends does not, finds a new study that will be presented at the 111th Annual Meeting of...

  • 患病的动物自行孤立以减少疾病传播

    16-08-23 When animals get sick, they may change their behaviour, becoming less active, for example. The studys lead author, Patricia Lopes from the Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies at the University of Zurich, says that previous r...

  • 抖森获封男性“年度最佳美臀”

    16-07-30 Actor Tom Hiddleston has been crowned male Rear of the Year after he revealed his posterior to viewers of BBC spy drama The Night Manager in a racy sex scene. 演员汤姆希德勒斯顿(抖森)获封男性年度最佳美臀。他在BBC谍战剧《夜班经理》中生动演绎了幽会...

  • 35.8%微信用户想注销账户

    16-07-28 In a world saturated with social media, out lives have lost certain dimensions and become immersed in cyberspace. 在这个社交媒体过度饱和的世界,我们的生活已经失去某些维度,湮没与网络空间中。 Face-to-face interactions have lessened, and sending, repl...