• cry someone's eyes out 嚎啕大哭

    22-05-20 表达 cry someones eyes out 的字面意思是 把眼睛都哭出来了,实际意思是 因非常沮丧而痛哭,大哭一场。 例句 She cried her eyes out as she waved her boyfriend off at the airport. 当她在机场挥手告别男友时,泣不成声。 I couldnt stop crying my eyes out while...

  • old school 老派;旧式的

    22-04-24 old school可不是旧的学校,作为名词指老派;守旧派;作为形容词表示传统的;旧式的;具有早期风格的。 He was a politician of the old school. 他是个老派政客。 a collection of old school hip hop tapes 一批早期风格的嘻蹦舞乐曲磁带收集品...

  • 英语口语中如何表达“咸鱼翻身”

    22-04-11 This concert will be a good opportunity for her to stage a comeback. 这次演唱会是她再度走红的好机会。 If this singer makes a comeback, she will regain her popularity! 如果这位歌手能够东山再起,她将重新赢回人气。 Back in school we made fun of Jones b...

  • 如何专心致志地做事

    22-03-22 保持专心致志有时很难。不过,要是知道让自己分心的原因,就可能有助集中注意力。科学家研究了导致 拖延症 的原因,找出了一些帮助人们进入工作或学习状态的方法。 When you were at school, were you ever told to stop daydreaming and concentrate? It was easy for...

  • 美国德州某学区老师上班可配枪

    22-03-22 2018年以来,全美发生了103起校园枪击事件,光去年就报告了34起。对此,美国德克萨斯州一学区近期推行的应对措施是:让教师偷偷配枪。 得克萨斯州的大赛林独立学区(Grand Saline Independent School District)教育长迈卡刘易斯(Micah Lewis)告诉《纽约邮报》,该学...

  • 东京教育部门宣布废止过时的着装规范

    22-03-22 日本学校的着装规范一向十分严格,在东京,学生的头发必须是黑色,发型要中规中矩,就连内衣也必须穿指定颜色和款式。日前东京教育部门宣布将废止这些过时的着装规范,并废止关禁闭的处罚方式。 For decades, being a student in Tokyo meant you had to look a certai...

  • 请事假

    22-03-11 经典表达: I have some personal business that I need to take care of. 我有点私事要处理。 举一反三: I got some family issues that I need to take a day off. 我有些家庭问题要解决,需要请一天假。 I have a doctors appointment. 我预约了医生。 I have to g...

  • 美国佛罗里达州州长斥责戴口罩学生“荒谬”

    22-03-07 当地时间3月2日,美国佛罗里达州州长罗恩德桑蒂斯来到南佛罗里达大学演讲,因斥责戴口罩学生荒谬,引发网友热议。 A visibly annoyed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis admonished a group of high school students for wearing face masks at an indoor news conference Wed...

  • spread like wildfire 迅速传播开来

    22-03-01 流言传来传去,说不停不知道何时能平息。 流言有一千分贝,它震耳欲聋,把所有幸福摧毁。 流言的杀伤力极大,今天就来分享流言相关的英语表达。 关于流言蜚语,《怦然心动》里是这么说的:spread like wildfire。 wildfire字面意思是野火,可以用来比喻散布极快的事物...

  • 询问信息

    22-02-15 G: Who else is going to be there? H: Im inviting you, my sister, and several friends from work and school. G: Your sister? She is such a party animal. She parties really hard. H: Yeah. So you neednt worry sitting there by yourself. G: Exactly! I rea...