• to put all your eggs in one basket 孤注一掷

    22-02-15 这个俚语一般与机会、金钱、以及对未来的期望相联系,言外之意就是如果你的篮子掉了,那么鸡蛋就全都碎了,借此用来告诫人们,要将你的鸡蛋存放到不同的篮子里,如果一个篮子跌落了,你不会一无所有,你还有一些鸡蛋存在别处。 A: I really, really want to go to Harv...

  • by leaps and bounds 突飞猛进

    22-01-22 当某件事情迅速得到改善或提高时,就可以使用短语 by leaps and bounds 或 in leaps and bounds,意思是 突飞猛进,飞速增长。 例句 Since he started his new school, his understanding of maths has increased by leaps and bounds. 自从去了新学校,他对数学的理解...

  • a shrinking violet 羞怯腼腆的人

    22-01-22 搭配 shrinking violet(羞怯的紫罗兰) 指 在社交场合表现得害羞、腼腆,不喜欢引人注意的人。相反,可以用 no shrinking violet 来形容 毫不羞怯或胆小的人。 例句 Hes a shrinking violet at parties and doesnt make any effort to speak to anyone. 他在聚会上很...

  • 戴口罩能让人看上去更有魅力

    22-01-21 戴着口罩呼吸不畅,说话吃东西也不方便,大家都很怀念不戴口罩的日子,但是有一个好消息也许能让你再继续撑下去,那就是研究发现,戴口罩能让人看上去更有魅力! There have been precious few positives during the Covid pandemic but British academics may have un...

  • 霍金说过的经典名言

    22-01-12 1. ON HIS SCHOOLING 关于上学 At school, I was never more than about halfway up the class. It was a very bright class. My classwork was very untidy, and my handwriting was the despair of my teachers. But my classmates gave me the nickname Einstein, s...

  • big time 非常,很

    22-01-07 big time 真正的意思是非常,很多,等于very much或者a lot。 You owe me big time because I helped you with your school project. 你欠我很多,因为我帮你完成了学校的项目。 hit the big time的意思是大获成功。 After John hit the big time, he became very rich...

  • stony-faced 面无表情的

    22-01-04 如果形容某人是 stony-faced 那就表示此人看上去毫无表情或不动心的。 例句 I tried to get the judge to be on my side by making a joke but he remained stony-faced. I got caught smoking at school. Ill never forget the stony faces of my parents when they r...

  • like a red rag to a bull 刺激挑衅

    22-01-04 英语短语 like a red rag to a bull 用来表示挑衅和刺激,故意让某人狂怒。 例句 For my quiet grandfather his teenage neighbours rocknroll-themed party was like a red rag to a bull. Dont talk to my dad about the smoking ban. Its like a red rag to a bull....

  • dive into it 跳进去

    22-01-04 如果一个人 dive into 一件事情,那么意思就是很快很热情地投入到这件事情里去了。 例句 My new course starts next week. I cant wait to dive into the work! Be careful not to dive into a new relationship too quickly after the last one. Lets dive into this...

  • 想当然

    21-12-29 日常生活中,我们大概都遇见过想当然的情况。想当然,也就是出于主观想象,仅凭主观的推测就来断定,认为事情应当如此。 那么问题来了,想当然用英语该怎么说呢?难道就是think of course?当然不是。 首先我们来看想当然的基本释义:think it is so - most probably i...