• 非比寻常的好朋友

    12-06-28 As I am now a senior high school student, I have a great many friends, but there is one whom I prize over all the rest. I first made his acquaintance when I began to go to school. He has been my constant companion ever since. Though he is serious in...

  • To See You

    12-06-27 Many say their most painful moments are saying good-bye to those they love. After watching Cheryl, my daughter-in-law, through the six long months her mother suffered towards death, I think the most painful moments can be in the waiting to say good-...

  • 英国小女孩曝光学校午餐引关注

    12-06-22 Since Martha Payne's fight against a council ban on her publishing photographs of her school dinners became an internet sensation, she has been inundated with promises of book, TV and movie deals. 英国小女孩玛莎-佩恩把学校供应的午餐拍照并上传至其博...

  • 英国某学校禁止女生穿裙子

    12-06-19 Skirts have been banned at a school because the head teacher said girls have repeatedly breached rules by wearing them above the knee. 英国一所学校禁止女生穿裙子,因为校长说女生们再三违反裙子要长及膝盖的规定。 Instead, from September, students at Mo...

  • 美高中毕业辞“你并不特别”惹争议

    12-06-16 Social media was buzzing about a Boston-area high school teacher's blunt commencement speech that told students they are not special. 社交网站上正在热议美国波斯顿一所高中的毕业致辞,致辞的老师很直白地告诉学生说他们并不特别。 Wellesley High English t...

  • 奥巴马演讲 敦促国会必须行动起来 帮助教师们重返工作岗位

    12-06-16 This week, I spent some time talking with college students about how we can make higher education more affordable. And one of the things I told them was how proud I was that they were making that investment in themselves because in today's economy,...

  • 《不求回报》一

    12-06-13 精彩对白 Patrice: Oh, my God! I told you that this was a pajama party . What are you wearing? What is this? You're wearing actual long johns? Emma: What?! Patrice: This is a frat party . You just have to be drunk and look hot. Watch and learn. Hey....

  • 家长毕业典礼太喧哗 子女被扣毕业证

    12-06-09 美国俄亥俄州辛辛那提的四名高中毕业生在毕业典礼后未能拿到毕业证,原因是他们的家长在毕业典礼过程中长时间欢呼,影响了典礼秩序。校方表示,这四名学生须完成20小时的社区服务才能拿到毕业证。 A suburban Cincinnati high school held onto four graduates' diplom...

  • 《兔子洞》四

    12-06-06 影片对白 Jason: Are you waiting for me? Becca: Oh. Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry, I... I thought you took the bus. Jason: I do. Becca: But not today? Jason: Not today. I skipped school . Becca: Well you shouldn't be playing hooky , young man. Jason: Why are...

  • 美国小学生不写作业理由多获“灾难奖”

    12-06-05 The mother of an 8-year-old Arizona girl who was presented with a Catastrophe Award for apparently having the most excuses for not having homework believes her child was humiliated by her teacher. 美国亚利桑那州一所学校的教师向一名8岁女生颁发灾难奖...