• Because of His Love

    12-10-15 Job was not a brilliant man. He swept floors for a living. He believed that Tarzan was a real man, and that all those movies were really documentaries of Tarzan's life. He was the butt of many jokes, yet he taught me about the essence of a 'real man...

  • 壳牌石油被控告污染尼日利亚村庄

    12-10-11 Oil giant Shell is due to appear in court in the Netherlands to face charges of polluting Nigerian villages. 石油巨头壳牌公司将要在荷兰出庭受审,该公司面临污染尼日利亚村庄的控诉。 The case is being brought by four Nigerian farmers and the Dutch bran...

  • body mass index 体重指数

    12-10-11 The plan calls for high school students to be allowed to take a so-called ideal weight option in their final year exams, the baccalaureat, under which they would earn extra points if they kept a body mass index (BMI) of between 18 and 25. 这项计划要...

  • school bus safety 校车安全

    12-10-11 A draft regulation on school bus safety management was made public on Dec 11 by the State Council, with the public invited to submit comments. 国务院法制办12月11日公布《校车安全条例(征求意见稿)》,面向社会各界征求意见。 文中的school bus safety就是...

  • 纽约中学向女生发避孕药

    12-09-29 纽约市卫生部门在13所公立中学推出一个名为青少年与全面健康的试点项目,允许这些学校为女生发放紧急避孕药,希望以此降低青少年怀孕率。纽约也因此成为美国首个为学生发放处方紧急避孕药的城市。 The pilot program that allows teens to access the contraceptive dr...

  • 有所为有所不为

    12-09-13 Do's Be polite and friendly. Initiate(开始,发起) and engage in conversation. Be involved in all programmes. Make your own bed. Wash your own plates and cups. Maintain cleanliness and personal hygiene(卫生) Put things back after using them. Help...

  • 芝加哥教师发动大罢工

    12-09-11 Teachers in Chicago have gone on strike for the first time in 25 years, prompting a showdown with Mayor Rahm Emanuel over a contract dispute. 芝加哥的老师们25年以来首次发动罢工,造成与市长拉姆伊曼纽尔合同纠纷的摊牌。 As many as 26,000 teachers were...

  • 生活的一课

    12-09-04 Everything happens for the best, my mother said whenever I faced disappointment. If you can carry on, one day something good will happen. And you'll realize that it wouldn't have happened if not for that previous disappointment. Mother was right, as...

  • 《伴娘我最大》二

    12-08-31 精彩对白 Dad: And I really look forward to having Doug as part of our family. So much so that you two should get married right now and save me a shitload of money. Lillian: Dad. Dad: Everybody always laughs at that, but I'm not joking. I'm not jokin...

  • 奥巴马演讲 呼吁国会支持教师招募计划

    12-08-25 Hi, everybody. This week, I spent some time traveling across Iowa talking with folks about rebuilding an economy where if you work hard, you and your family can get ahead(获得成功) . And along the way, I stopped in at Cascade High School to thank...