• Who's 50 Cents 谁的50分

    11-08-30 Jacky: I found 50 cents on the sidewalk in front of school. Tommy: I think it's mine. I dropped 50 cents there today and couldn't find it. Jacky: But what I found was two quarters. Tommy: Then I'm sure it's mine. It probably broke when it hit the si...

  • 《邻家特工》三

    11-08-26 精彩对白 Bob: Nora. Please don't wander off again. Nora:I'm sorry, Bob. Bob: Let's go pay for your costume. Yo, it's Ho. Just hold him till I get there. Ian: Can I just say before we begin that only in the current distressed condition of the Americ...

  • 英企业对毕业生基本技能颇感失望

    11-08-23 Millions of school leavers and graduates with 'fairly useless' degrees are unemployable because they lack basic skills, a major business lobby group will warn today. 一家大型商业游说团体今天警告说,上百万中学或大学毕业生空有一张无用文凭,却无法被雇...

  • 《情人节》三

    11-08-16 影片对白 Reed: There she is! The future Mrs. Reed Bennett! Michael: Chrysanthemums. Morley: Hi, babe. Reed: Hi, baby. Hello, fiance. It sounds weird. Have you said it yet? Nikki, take over for a minute. Come this way. Nikki: Wait, these are for you....

  • Bill, Bingo and Bram 5

    11-08-11 His other characteristic, we soon learned, was tenacity(韧性,固执) . Bingo was not going to be put off by the mere fact of his home now being taken over by strangers - he would not leave. Though he never actually got into the house, his intention...

  • Bill, Bingo and Bram 2

    11-08-11 Dogs had only played walk on parts in my family. As far as I was concerned the all defining object in a house was a television. There was one in Bill's house. It stood like a lonely, redundant sentinel(哨兵) in a dank corner of his empty living ro...

  • 美国加州公立学校将开设同性恋课程

    11-07-17 美国加州州长布朗14日签署一项历史性议案,议案要求公立学校学生学习同性恋历史以及对社会的贡献,使得加州成为美国第一个要求公立学校在社会学课程中加入同性恋内容的地方。这项议案经布朗签署后成为法律,将在2013年开始执行。 California became the first state to...

  • I can go home 我可以回家了

    11-07-14 One day after school the teacher said to his students, Tomorrow morning, if any one of you can answer my first question, I will permit him or her to go home earlier. The next day, when the teacher came into the classroom, he found the blackboard dau...

  • 英国某学校禁止女生穿紧身裤和裙子

    11-07-03 Schoolgirls have been wearing such short skirts a Staffordshire school that theyve been ordered to wear trousers instead. 英国斯塔福德郡一所学校因为女生穿的裙子太短,下令让她们改穿裤子。 All skirts will be banned from September at Paget High School...

  • Vacation amnesia 假期失忆症

    11-06-23 Vacation amnesia refers to this situation: when you come back to school or work from your vacation, you can't remember what you did before the vacation. Things you cant remember may include: what project you were working on, any paper needed to be f...