• all-boys class 男生班

    13-05-09 Sixty-four boys have spent their first two weeks of high school at Shanghai's first all-boys class , whose creation at the beginning of the month has been a topic of widespread attention and debate. 上海首个男生班的64名学生已经度过了他们高中生活的前...

  • 翻译it要注意

    13-04-17 在英语中,it是一个常用的代词,用于指代事或物,相当于汉语的它。不过,由于中西方语言的差异,在英汉互译的过程中往往不能直译为它。如It's a desk. 应译为这是(一张)书桌 ,而不是它是(一张)桌子。 其实,it看似简单,但有时由于所指不明确,会造成翻译上的困难...

  • Can we have our teacher back

    13-04-10 Once a superintendent of schools was visiting a three-room school. One room was very noisy, so the man grabbed a tall boy who had been standing up talking. He took the boy into another room and stood him in the corner. Five minutes later, a smalll b...

  • Graduation and Moving on

    13-04-09 At least once a year, there are a lot of graduations. It's a time when a lot of people move on, from where they were, to another school or another class, or out into a real world. To graduate means to take a step forward, to move onward. I can remem...

  • 仰光一学校发生火灾 13人死亡

    13-04-02 A fire at a Muslim school in the Burmese city of Rangoon has killed 13 children, officials say. 缅甸城市仰光的一座穆斯林学校发生火灾,至少13名儿童死亡。 The school was badly burned but intact Police blamed an electrical fault for the blaze. Most of...

  • 《后裔》四

    13-03-28 片段对白 Matt: Girls, let me go in for just a quick moment alone first. I'll be right out. You were gonna ask for a divorce so you could be with some fucking fuckhead, Brian Speer? Are you kidding me? Who are you? The only thing I know for sure is y...

  • 塞内加尔一学校发生火灾 9儿童丧生

    13-03-05 Nine children have been killed by a fire at a Koranic school near the centre of Senegal's capital, Dakar. 塞内加尔首都达喀尔中心附近一所可兰经学校发生火灾,9名儿童丧生。 Human rights groups have warned of the poor conditions at Koranic schools The b...

  • Vacation at Home

    13-02-27 The two-week vacation at the end of summer school ended yesterday. Kevin had gone nowhere during his vacation. He had the money, but he hated to travel alone. He used to take vacations with Gary, his youngest brother, but they had a big argument at...

  • 马肉馅饼流入英国47所学校食堂

    13-02-24 Horse DNA has been found in cottage pies sent to 47 schools in Lancashire, it has emerged, proving for the first time that horse meat has found its way into British school dinners. 最新检测结果显示,含有马肉的馅饼被供应给了英国兰开夏郡的47所学校。这...

  • 英国公民考试将侧重文化历史知识

    13-02-03 将于今年3月起实施的新版英国公民考试将不再考查找车站和使用互联网等日常生活知识,而将考查重点放在英国的文化历史成就方面。 The revised Life in the UK test covers topics as sport, music and history. Mundane subjects such as water meters, job interviews...