• 奥巴马讲话 呼吁各方努力通过移民改革法案

    13-07-28 Hi, everybody. Two weeks ago, a large bipartisan majority of Senators voted to pass commonsense, comprehensive immigration reform, taking an important step towards fixing our broken immigration system once and for all. This bill was a compromise, an...

  • socialism with Chinese characteristics 中国特色社会主义

    13-06-06 Throughout the past 30-plus years of continuous exploration for reform and opening up, we have held high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics and rejected both the old and rigid closed-door policy and any attempt to abandon soc...

  • 哥伦比亚政府与左翼革命武装达成土改协议

    13-05-27 The government of Colombia and left-wing Farc rebels have agreed on land reform, after more than six months of peace talks. 在经历六个多月的和平会谈之后,哥伦比亚政府与左翼哥伦比亚革命武装力量就土地改革达成一致意见。 This agreement will be the start...

  • 2013两会精彩语录英译8

    13-03-15 WANG JINGWU, NPC deputy and director of the Guangzhou branch of the People's Bank of China Nowadays, children only want to be officials and civil servants. Very few of them want to become scientists. 而现在的孩子,都想当官、当公务员,对科学家有向往...

  • 美国移民法将在六个月内进行改革

    13-01-31 President Barack Obama has said US immigration reform could be achieved within six months, in an interview with Spanish-language TV channel Telemundo. 美国总统奥巴马在接受波多黎各西班牙语电视台采访时称,美国移民法改革将会在六个月内完成。 The preside...

  • 美国开始彻底的移民改革

    12-08-16 Undocumented immigrants are applying for the temporary right to live and work openly in the US, as a sweeping immigration policy reform takes effect. 一场彻底的移民政策改革正在美国生效,非法入境的移民纷纷申请在美国公开生活、工作的临时权力。 Up to 1....

  • 西班牙工人发动罢工抗议劳动力改革

    12-03-29 Spanish unions are holding a general strike to protest against labour reforms which the new government hopes will help cut unemployment. 西班牙工会正在发动一场大罢工来抗议劳动力改革,新政府希望通过此次改革减少失业率。 Road, rail and air transport ar...

  • 意总工会将发动罢工抗议就业改革

    12-03-22 Italy's largest trade union, the CGIL, says it will hold a general strike over plans to reform employment laws. 意大利最大的工会,意大利总工会宣布,将举行一场大罢工来抗议更改就业法的计划。 After weeks of talks, Prime Minister Mario Monti said he wan...

  • 智利数万师生示威要求教育改革

    11-09-23 Tens of thousands of students and teachers have marched in the Chilean capital, Santiago, in the latest mass protest to demand educational reform. 智利数以万计的老师和学生在首都圣地亚哥举行了示威游行,要求政府举行教育改革。 Organisers said 180,000 p...

  • 奥巴马演讲 呼吁议会通过《美国工作法案》4

    11-09-11 So, some things we can do on our own. Other steps will require congressional action. Today you passed reform that will speed up the outdated patent process, so that entrepreneurs can turn a new idea into a new business as quickly as possible. Thats...