• 美国众议院将进行医改投票

    10-03-22 Debate is under way in the US House of Representatives on a healthcare reform bill at the heart of President Barack Obama's domestic agenda. 美国众议院正在就奥巴马总统提出的国内头等大事医疗改革方案进行激烈讨论。 Senior Democrats have spent days tryi...

  • 希腊工人举行第二次全国大罢工

    10-03-11 Greece is expected to grind to a halt for the second time in a month as hundreds of thousands of state and private workers stage a general strike. 希腊数十万国企和私营企业职工举行大罢工,希腊将有可能第二次在一个月之内逐渐瘫痪。 Greece has already be...

  • 奥巴马演讲 Put People Ahead of Insurance Companies

    10-03-06 Remarks by the President on Health Care Reform East Room 1:50 P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT: Thank you so much, all of you, for joining us today. And I want to thank Julie, Barbara, Roland, Stephen, Renee, and Christopher, standing behind me -- physicians,...

  • 解读温总理政府工作报告1

    10-03-06 Following are the highlights of Wen's Report on the Work of the Government. 以下是温家宝总理政府工作报告中的亮点解读。 Key words: Income distribution, 'Hukou' reform, Employment, Low-carbon, Housing prices 关键词:收入分配、户口改革、就业、低碳、房...

  • 奥巴马催促国会对医改进行投票

    10-03-04 US President Barack Obama has urged Congress to vote by simple majority on healthcare reform, as he makes a final push to have his proposals adopted. 美国总统奥巴马催促国会以简单的多数表决形式通过医改方案,这是他为自己的建议所做的最后努力。 He said...

  • 奥巴马敦促实行医改

    10-02-28 Two days after the White House hosted an inconclusive summit on healthcare reform, President Barack Obama has urged Americans to find common ground. 两天前,奥巴马在白宫举行了一场关于医疗改革的高级会议,但是未达成任何决议,日前奥巴马敦促美国人寻找利...

  • Health Reform's Benefits in 2010

    10-01-16 Remarks of President Barack Obama As Prepared for Delivery Weekly Address January 9, 2010 A year ago, when I took office in the midst of在之中 the worst recession since the Great Depression, I promised you two things. The first was that there would...

  • Another Tremendous Step Forward

    09-12-28 THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. In a historic vote that took place this morning members of the Senate joined their colleagues in the House of Representatives to pass a landmark health insurance reform package -- legislation that brings us to...

  • Saving Your Tax Dollars, Bottom-Up

    09-12-28 THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. Good morning. Before I begin, I want to say a brief word about the historic vote which took place early this morning. The United States Senate knocked down a filibuster海盗,暴兵 aimed at blocking a final vote on hea...

  • 阿富汗总统被要求切实改善人民生活质量

    09-11-20 Western leaders have urged Hamid Karzai to deliver tangible improvements in Afghans' lives after he was sworn in for a second presidential term. 阿富汗总统哈米德卡尔扎伊宣誓就职第二个任期之后,西方国家首脑敦促其对提高阿富汗人民生活质量提出切实可行的...