• 官员干预司法活动将被列入黑名单

    15-03-10 China will begin blacklisting and punishing officials who interfere in judicial activities, under plans approved by the country's top reform planning committee on Friday. 中央全面深化改革领导小组周五(2月27日)通过的决议规定,干预司法活动的官员将被...

  • 奥巴马讲话 实施移民责任管理政策

    14-12-19 Hi everybody. Today, I'm at Del Sol High School, in Las Vegas, to talk with students and families about immigration. We are a nation of immigrants. It has always given America a big advantage over other nations. It keeps our country young, dynamic,...

  • 习近平亚太经合组织工商领导人峰会演讲摘要

    14-11-16 我们有责任为本地区人民创造和实现亚太梦想。 We are duty-bound to create and fulfill an Asia-Pacific dream for our people. 亚太发展前景取决于今天的决断和行动。 The development prospect of our region hinges on the decisions and actions we take today....

  • 邓小平经典语录

    14-08-28 实事求是。 Seek truth from facts. 贫穷不是社会主义。致富光荣。 Poverty is not socialism. To be rich is glorious. 推行一个国家两种制度,谁也不好吞掉谁。 By following the concept of 'one country, two systems,' you don't swallow me up nor I you. 不管白...

  • power lists 权力清单

    14-04-28 China's public and media are praising the central government's recent order to its departments to disclose their power lists -- registers of their administrative approvals. 中央政府近日下令让各部门公开各自的权力清单行政审批事项清单,此举获得了公众和...

  • discipline center 训诫中心

    14-04-28 Authorities in central China are looking into charges that residents looking to petition the government have been held and mistreated in local discipline centers . 河南省当局正在调查将上访者拘禁在当地的训诫中心进行虐待的控诉。 这种discipline center...

  • State of the Union 国情咨文

    14-03-28 President Barack Obama delivered the 2014 State of the Union address on Tuesday, vowing to sidestep Congress whenever and wherever necessary to narrow economic disparities between America's rich and poor. 奥巴马总统周二发布2014年的国情咨文,称在必要...

  • rural reform 农村改革

    14-03-28 China has pledged to deepen rural reforms and step up agricultural modernization, according to a statement issued after a central rural work conference which ended on Tuesday. 周二结束的中央农村工作会议指出,中国将深化农村改革,加快农业现代化。 为期...

  • government reform 政府改革

    14-03-11 政府改革( government reform )的主要目的,就是进一步理顺政府和市...

  • Comprehensively deepening reform 全面深化改革

    14-03-11 Comprehensively deepening reform means the reform will be more systematic, integrated and coordinated. The CPC will work to speed up the development of a socialist market economy, democracy, cultural development, social harmony and ecological progre...