• 《恐龙当家》第17章

    22-11-09 The next day as Spot and Arlo continued on, they heard the low rumble of thunder in the distance. They could see the river and Clawtooth Mountain just up around the bend. Its so close, said Arlo. Were almost there, Spot. Arlo yelled with excitement...

  • 夏季气象词汇

    22-11-02 每到夏季,有人享受充足的日照,但也有人抱怨酷暑难耐。夏季的天气有时变幻无常,英语里形容夏季气象变化的词也很多。 1. Sometimes high air temperatures meeting cold air moisture cause a sudden but intense and very localised fall of rain. What is this comm...

  • 英语中表示“将来”的语法应用

    22-10-19 在英语语法中,除了可以用一般将来时态表达将来会发生的事情,我们还可以用将来进行时、现在进行时态来描述未来可能会发生的动作。你能准确地运用它们吗? 1. A: I _________ a party this weekend. Would you like to come? B: That sounds great. Ill bring some foo...

  • be like a drowned rat 落汤鸡

    22-09-01 落汤鸡,中文俗语,字意为落水或浑身湿透的鸡(a drowned chicken;a chicken in the soup),现在形容被雨水浇得浑身湿透(be caught in the rain and soaked through),极其狼狈的样子。 与英文短语be like a drowned rat意思相近,表示to be very wet, especially...

  • Cat Got Your Tongue? 你的舌头被猫给吃了(吗)?

    22-08-17 1. Cat Got Your Tongue? (say something!) 你的舌头被猫给吃了吗?(说点啥吧!) Its very common to say (Has a) Cat Got Your Tongue? when youre asking somebody why they arent speaking. Its not disrespectful, and is often very effective communication. T...

  • 天气开场白

    22-08-17 Beautiful day, isnt it? 今天天气真好啊,不是吗? How about this weather? 今天天气怎样? Can you believe all of this rain weve been having? 你能相信这几天一直在下雨吗? It looks like its going to rain cats and dogs. 看起来要下暴雨了。 Wouldnt you lov...