• 山西强降雨导致176万人受灾

    21-10-12 今年秋雨强、秋汛重,北方降雨比常年明显偏多。10月2日至7日,山西省多地遭遇强降雨。 More than 120,000 people have been temporarily evacuated after continuous downpours triggered floods in north Chinas Shanxi province, authorities said Sunday.The floods...

  • 8月中下旬国内部分河段可能发生超警洪水

    21-08-13 国家防总副总指挥、水利部部长李国英8月12日主持召开防汛会商会,指出黑龙江、嫩江、松花江洪水当前仍在演进中,部分河段超警或超保,将会持续至9月。 Water levels are likely to exceed the warning levels in some sections of the Yellow River, Yangtze River and...

  • soaked to the skin 全身湿透了

    21-08-05 短语soaked to the skin的意思是全身湿透了,像落汤鸡一样。 例句 Its pouring with rain out there. Im soaked to the skin! We went to see Niagara Falls on our trip to Canada and got so close we were soaked to the skin. A bus drove right through a massive...

  • 台风相关词汇

    21-07-27 typhoon 台风 high wind 狂风 tropical cyclone 热带气旋 tropical depression 热带低压 eye 风眼 heavy rain 大雨、暴雨 torrential rain 倾盆大雨 storm track 风暴路径 orange alert 橙色预警 red alert 红色预警 safety precaution 安全预防措施 tropical storm 热...

  • 15个地道表达 上

    21-07-01 1、Im good Im good除了可以用来回答How are you?,表示我很好之外,还常用于: - Do you want some chips with your sandwich? 你的三明治要带薯条吗? - No, Im good. Thanks. 不用了,谢谢。 - Do you have any questions? 你还有什么问题吗? - No, Im good. 没有...

  • My November Guest 深秋来客

    21-06-17 My November Guest 深秋来客 Robert Frost My sorrow, when shes here with me, 我的忧愁,当她和我在一起, Thinks these dark days of autumn rain 她以为秋天的这些雨天 Are beautiful as days can be; 在所有的日子里或许最美; She loves the bare, the withered...

  • Playing the Telephone Game

    21-06-07 Playing the Telephone Game Esther Lee For instance, you might have said: When he was leaving the store, it was starting to rain. Or: Winnie was a sleeve torn. It was darting derange. You might have taken (one can play detective endlessly), a ream of...

  • rain on your parade 泼冷水

    21-05-22 大好的天气如果突然下起雨,那么可能原本计划好的活动就不得不取消,着实令人扫兴! 当某人的计划不得不因为事或人而告停时,就可以用表达 rain on someones parade,也就是汉语里说的 泼冷水,扫兴。 例句 I hate to rain on your parade, but youre not going home u...

  • rain or shine 风雨无阻

    21-01-09 风雨无阻,汉语成语,字面意思是不受刮风下雨的阻碍(stopped by neither wind nor rain -- regardless of the weather),比喻无论遇到任何阻碍,都要继续下去。与英文俚语rain or shine意思相同,表示no matter what the weather or other circumstances are like。...

  • 冬日雨水加快格陵兰冰盖融化

    20-12-21 一项新的研究发现,格陵兰岛上的降雨越来越频繁,同时雨水加快了冰层的融化。科学家们说他们很 惊讶 地发现,即使在漫长的极地冬日期间也会有降雨。 Rain falls on the tent of scientist Jason Box. Hes camped on the Greenland ice sheet. The usual pattern is tha...