• 英语倒装句的用法

    20-12-07 1. ______ heard more lies being told. a) Never again have I b) No sooner have I c) Never have I d) Under no circumstances have I 2. ______ driven all the way to work did I realise that Id left my briefcase in the house. a) Never before had I b) Not...

  • come rain or shine 风雨无阻

    20-11-08 Come rain or shine 是一个副词短语,意思是 不管发生什么事情,即 无论如何,某件事情一定会发生。它与汉语中所说的 风雨无阻 意思相同,所以既可以用来谈论天气,也可以谈论一般情况。 例句 No matter how difficult her job is, she always makes 100% effort, come...

  • 几个rain常用习语

    20-10-19 make it rain make it rain除了直译的催雨,在口语里还有撒钱之意。用此表达的人,是要展示自己有钱,也就是炫富。 Lets make it rain at the club tonight, fellas! 兄弟们,今晚我们去酒吧里撒钱吧! as right as rain 这个表达,经常在口语里出现。它有好几个意思:...

  • 关于“下雨了”的表达方式

    20-10-13 ---Its pouring/coming down in buckets outside. 真是倾盆大雨呀。 ---Yes. I got soaked when I came back from the market. 是啊,从超市回来,我的衣服都湿透了。 ---I hate such nasty weather. For me, Id rather stay at home and do some reading. 我讨厌这样...

  • 冲浪疗法

    20-10-11 Believe it or not, ten years ago Charlotte Banfield had a phobia of water. 信不信由你,十年前,夏洛特班菲尔德很怕水。 I used to be really scared to go to the beach, go near the shower, go in the rain. It was more of a sensory thing. The feel of wate...

  • 雨巷

    20-09-10 Alone holding an oil-paper umbrella, 撑着油纸伞,独自 I wander along a long 彷徨在悠长,悠长 Solitary lane in the rain, 又寂寥的雨巷, Hoping to encounter 我希望逢着 A girl like a bouquet of lilacs 一个丁香一样的 Gnawed by anxiety and resentment. 结...

  • 雅思口语Part3话题:Rain

    20-02-05 1. What comes to mind when you hear the word rain? 2. Do you like rain? 3. How does rain change your feelings? 4. Do you wish it rain more or rain less where you live? 5. What kind of rain do you like? 6. What do you like to do in the rain? 7. Have...

  • 莫高窟因暴雨暂时对游客关闭

    19-07-18 The Mogao Grottoes, a renowned UNESCO World Heritage site in northwest Chinas Gansu Province, was temporarily closed to tourists on Wednesday, the second time this year due to heavy rain. 甘肃敦煌莫高窟,一处知名的联合国教科文世界遗产地,周三因为暴...

  • 河南26万人受温比亚影响

    18-08-20 Nearly 260,000 residents in central Chinas Henan Province have been affected by Typhoon Rumbia, the 18th this year, local authorities said Sunday. 2018年第18号台风温比亚让河南省将近26万人受到影响。 The province was hit by heavy downpours on Friday a...

  • 华南22万多人受暴雨影响

    18-06-26 More than 220,000 people have been affected by flooding after days of heavy downpours in southern China, according to local authorities. 中国南方地区连续数日遭受暴雨灾害,超过22万人受到洪灾影响。 In Yunnan Province, the heavy rain began Friday and a...