• The Next Apartment

    10-11-26 The Next Apartment D. Nurkse I lived beside the lovers on that linden-shaded industrial block between Linwood and Crescent. How they argued! Once he pounded his head against the lintel(门楣) in a rain of plaster. Once I watched her walk into the r...

  • 热带风暴逼近海地 造成强降雨

    10-11-05 Heavy rain has started to fall in the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince as a powerful storm approaches, threatening earthquake survivors living in camps. 强风暴托马斯接近海地,首都太子港开始降暴雨,威胁到居住在帐篷中的地震幸存者。 The government has ur...

  • 洪水泛滥越南中部地区

    10-10-06 At least 15 people have been killed in flooding that has swamped parts of central Vietnam. 越南中部部分地区发生洪水泛滥,至少15人死亡。 Quang Binh province has been one of the worst-flooded areas More than 34,000 people in the worst-hit provinces of...

  • 印尼爆发洪水泥石流 26人死亡

    10-10-05 Flash floods and landslides triggered by several days of heavy rain in Indonesia have killed at least 26 people, officials say. 印尼官员称,连日以来的暴雨所引发的骤发洪水和泥石流你造成26人死亡。 Residents said one flash flood hit their village with...

  • 暴风雨袭击海地 5人丧生

    10-09-26 Five Haitian refugees have been killed as a storm overtook the impoverished country still recovering from the January earthquake, media report. 媒体报道,一场暴风雨袭击了正处于一月大地震中恢复时期中贫困的海地,五人丧生。 The rainstorm passed over th...

  • 美宇航局发现飓风茱莉亚迅速强化的线索

    10-09-16 Hurricane Julia intensified rapidly overnight and is now a Category 4 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Scale and NASA's Aqua, Terra and TRMM satellites captured clues as they passed over her from space. The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission ( TRMM...

  • 英国13岁男孩“13日黑色星期五”遭雷击

    10-08-22 Friday the 13th proved suitably unlucky for one 13 year-old boy who was struck by lightning before being taken to hospital -- at 13:13 on the dreaded date. 8月13日恰逢传说中的黑色星期五,当天,英国一名13岁的男孩在13时13分被闪电击中,随后被送往医院。...

  • 巴基斯坦洪灾 死亡人数逾千

    10-08-02 The number of people known to have been killed by floods in north-west Pakistan has passed 1,100, officials say. 巴基斯坦官员成,西北部洪水死亡人数已超过1100人。 Thousands remain trapped and the situation could worsen About 30,000 troops have joined...

  • 天气词汇

    10-07-22 hurricane 飓风 cyclone 旋风 typhoon 台风 whirlwind 龙卷风 waterspout 海上龙卷风 Indian summer 秋老虎 extreme weather 极端天气 adverse weather condition 恶劣的天气状况 desertification 沙漠化 sandstorm 沙尘暴 air quality rating 空气质量评级 visibility...

  • La Brea

    10-07-13 La Brea Duncan Forbes I am the tarred and feathered(严厉惩罚) stork(鹳) Who flapped its limbs until they stuck. I am a tapir(貘) ancestor Who came for water, swallowed tar(焦油,柏油) . This is the asphalt(沥青,柏油) killing-ground, A lak...