10-06-22 More than 600 people are missing after days of heavy rain in north-eastern Brazil triggered deadly floods, officials say. 巴西东北部地区连日来遭受暴雨袭击,引发的洪灾造成600多人失踪。 Many rivers in Alagoas state have burst their banks At least 31 p...
10-04-07 Around 100 people have died in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro after the most torrential rain for decades caused landslides and flooding. 巴西城市里约热内卢遭遇近十年以来最大的一场暴雨,暴雨所引发的泥石流和洪水造成大约100人死亡。 Rio de Janeir...
10-03-01 At least eight people have been killed in floods triggered by heavy rain in Haiti, officials have said. 由暴雨所引发的洪灾使海地至少八人死亡。 The deaths occurred in or near the southeastern port city of Les Cayes which was swamped(淹没) by more t...
09-12-25 A humongous and deadly winter storm is spreading across the US Midwest, with freezing rain and heavy snow causing road and air transport chaos. 一场巨大无比的致命暴风雪席卷美国中西部地区,冻雨和大雪使公路、航空运输陷入混乱。 The storm is expected to...
09-12-17 Aid agency Oxfam warns that a failure of rains across swathes of East Africa is putting millions of lives at risk. 援助机构牛津饥荒救济委员会警告,整个东非地区雨季未降雨,造成数百万人生命处于危险之中。 Some 5 million people need urgent aid in Ethiop...
09-12-05 美国东北部缅因州到新泽西州等地区本周四上午先后遭遇了暴雨和狂风天气的袭击,造成当地几千户居民和商业场所断电,海岛周边轮渡和货运船只暂停服务,同时导致新罕布什尔州部分公路封闭。随后波士顿和波特兰等地的气温又急剧上升,其中波士顿气温一度升至69华氏度(20....
09-11-09 At least 124 people have been killed in El Salvador by flooding and landslides following days of heavy rain, the government says. 萨尔瓦多连日以来暴雨倾盆,洪水和山体滑坡造成至少124人死亡。 President Mauricio Funes has declared a national emergency,...
09-09-27 At least 50 people have been killed and thousands more evacuated as floods caused by heavy rain brought chaos to the Philippines, officials say. 菲律宾官员称,由于暴雨造成的洪水造成至少50人致死、数千人被迫疏散。 At least one town is completely under...
09-09-21 英国一家专门研制和生产防护型产品的公司近期推出了一款售价125英镑的伞,他们表示这款牢不可破的伞不仅可以防雨,还可以随身携带做防身之用。据设计人员介绍,这款雨伞主体由高科技钢材料制成,本身重量只有775克,但是能够承受一个人的重量。该公司发言人表示,这款...
09-08-30 国庆期间,北京地区的降水概率在30%左右,气象部门已做好人工消雨的准备。记者从国家气象局获悉,国庆60周年庆典气象服务工作方案及应急气象服务方案已经制定,正在完善和演练。 请看《中国日报》的报道: Zhang Qiang, deputy director of the Beijing Weather Modifi...