• 穆巴拉克目前健康状况糟糕

    12-06-12 Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak is suffering from problems with his breathing and blood pressure but is not in a coma, an interior ministry spokesman has told the BBC. 埃及内政部发言人称,前总统侯塞尼穆巴拉克正经受呼吸、血压问题困扰,但尚未...

  • 古巴国内有5.7多万名囚犯

    12-05-24 More than 57,000 people are in jail in Cuba, according to a rare report about the prison population published by the Communist Party newspaper, Granma. 古巴共产党报《格拉玛报》罕见地发表了一篇报告,称古巴境内有57000多名囚犯。 Granma said efforts had...

  • 乌克兰前总理季莫申科疑与律师有私情

    12-04-30 A lawyer for Ukraine's jailed former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko on Wednesday said he may sue a news agency over publication of a video alleging he had an affair with his defendant. 正在服刑的乌克兰前总理尤利亚季莫申科的律师称,他将起诉一家新闻...

  • 西伯利亚女子监狱举办选美大赛

    12-03-10 俄罗斯西伯利亚地区的一座女子监狱近日举办了一次选美大赛,迎接三八国际妇女节,一位名叫玛利亚盖潘克的女犯摘得桂冠。 Inmates at a women's prison in Siberia have taken part in a beauty contest to mark International Women's Day. Inmates at a women's priso...

  • 联合国敦促各国监狱取消单独监禁

    11-10-19 The UN's lead investigator on torture has called for governments to end the use of long spells of solitary confinement in prison. 联合国首要刑讯调查员呼吁各国政府停止在监狱中使用长时间单独监禁的政策。 Juan Mendez said such isolation could cause seri...

  • 南非监狱为儿童母亲设立特区

    11-08-20 South Africa has opened its first unit for imprisoned mothers and their children who are below the age of two. 南非政府首次为被囚母亲和她们两岁以下的孩子设置了单独的区域。 The babies and toddlers(初学走路的孩子) of mothers at Pollsmoor Prison in C...

  • 突尼斯两名囚犯越狱时窒息而死

    11-07-06 Two Tunisian prisoners trying to escape have suffocated after setting their mattresses on fire, officials say. 突尼斯官员称,两名企图越狱的囚犯被自己点燃的床垫窒息而死。 Another 24 inmates were rushed to hospital in the central town of Kasserine wit...

  • Rope or Ox? 绳子还是公牛?

    11-06-28 The man in the prison asked a new comer why he was sent there. The new comer answered: I am out of luck, I think. A few days ago I was walking in the street when I saw a piece of dirty rope. I thought nobody wanted it and so I picked it up and took...

  • 印度最老囚犯获释 时年108岁

    11-06-25 上周五,印度历史上最老的囚犯、108岁的布利吉比哈利潘迪从北方邦一座监狱获释。 Brij Bihari Pandey, 108, is assisted by relatives following his release from the Gorakhpur district prison in Gorakhpur on Friday. Prison authorities in India have released...

  • 伊朗两名被囚医生获曼恩健康奖

    11-06-17 Two Iranian doctors imprisoned for allegedly plotting to overthrow the government have been awarded a global health prize. 两名据称阴谋推翻政府而被囚禁的伊朗医生被授予一项全球健康奖。 Arash and Kamiar Alaei, seen here in this file image, were respec...