• 《沉睡魔咒》第21章

    23-01-28 As Aurora made her escape, Diaval continued to wreak havoc on the Great Hall. With a swish of his tail, he knocked down a line of soldiers. He let out a roar, raining fire down on another group. As he raised his head, the two large horns that domina...

  • ups and downs 跌宕起伏

    22-12-26 跌宕起伏,汉语成语,形容事物多变、不稳定,也形容故事情节的曲折。可以翻译为ups and downs,checkered等。 例句: 艾伦的一生跌宕起伏,蹲过多次大牢。 Alan had led a very checkered past and had been to prison lots of times....

  • 英国的形成历史概况 2

    21-10-06 1. Geoffrey Chaucers best known work is the Canterbury Tales which describes a group of pilgrims traveling to Canterbury to visitTomas Beckets tomb. 杰佛利乔叟的名著《坎特伯雷故事集》描述了一群朝圣者到坎特伯雷参观托马斯贝克特坟墓的旅行。 2. The baro...

  • without batting an eye 不露声色,面不改色

    21-07-21 如果你的反应被形容为 without batting an eye - or eyelid 不眨眼,意思就是你不露声色,让人看不出事情对你的情绪是否有任何影响。 例句 When I told her I didnt want to go out with her any more she didnt even bat an eyelid. She just looked at me and said,...

  • 密室逃脱五个小技巧

    21-06-09 Tip 1: Keep It Simple 想简单一点 For most escape prison games, even the very challenging ones with very high difficulty ratings, the puzzles and clues are surprisingly simple. They are just cleverly hidden and worded to make them appear difficult to...

  • do bird 坐牢;服刑

    20-10-21 bird很容易让人联想到关在笼子里的小鸟,而do bird,意思是像鸟儿一样被关在笼子里,意为坐牢;服刑,to spend time in prison. - He has done bird for 10 years due to his crime. -因为他犯的罪,他在牢里蹲了10年。 关于坐牢还有一个有意思的表达,也很容易引起人...

  • Jo's Boys - Charter 12

    20-09-16 Where was Dan? In prison. Alas for Mrs Jo! how her heart would have ached if she had known that while old Plum shone with Christmas cheer her boy sat alone in his cell, trying to read the little book she gave him, with eyes dimmed now and then by th...