• 特朗普插手罗杰·斯通案遭谴责

    20-02-12 US President Donald Trump faced fresh accusations of abuse of power Tuesday after appearing to pressure the Justice Department to seek a lighter prison sentence for his longtime political aide Roger Stone. 美国总统特朗普本周二面临滥用职权的最新指控...

  • 朴槿惠刑期提高到25年

    18-08-24 A South Korean appeals court on Friday raised the sentencing of ousted President Park Geun-hye to 25 years in prison on corruption charges, including bribery that led to her impeachment. 韩国一家上诉法院周五将被罢黜总统朴槿惠的刑期提高到25年,朴槿惠...

  • 王银成受贿870万被判有期徒刑11年

    18-05-24 Wang Yincheng, former president of the Peoples Insurance Company (Group) of China Limited (PICC), was sentenced to 11 years in prison Thursday for accepting bribes of over 8.7 million yuan (1.36 million U.S. dollars). 中国人民保险公司前总裁王银成因...

  • BBC:3月不容错过的十本好书

    17-03-10 Dan Chaon, Ill Will Dustin, a Cleveland psychologist in his 40s, is still damaged by the monstrous murder of his parents, aunt and uncle when he was 13. He testified against his older foster brother Rusty, who was sentenced to life in prison. Dustin...

  • 《越狱》发布第五季预告片

    16-05-18 The hit crime drama Prison Break has made its return with a preview trailer for the new season. 热播犯罪剧集《越狱》发布新预告片宣告第五季回归。 The fifth season of the show begins with Doctor Sara explaining to her son the whereabouts of his father...

  • 奥巴马宣布将关闭关塔那摩湾监狱

    16-02-26 U.S. President Barack Obama has rolled out his plan to close the Guantanamo Bay prison. 美国总统奥巴马宣布关闭关塔那摩湾监狱的计划。 He wants to make good on a campaign pledge he made eight years ago, but the move is expected to run into fierce oppo...

  • 监狱风格的饭店在吉林开张

    15-08-26 A novel restaurant modeled after a prison has attracted hundreds of curious customers in the city Jilin in Jilin Province in northeast China. 中国东北吉林省吉林市,一家模仿监狱建造的新奇饭店吸引了数以百计的好奇顾客前来消费。 Customers have their mea...

  • How Do You Raise a Black Child?

    15-08-18 How Do You Raise a Black Child? Cortney Lamar Charleston -- with a nod to Claire Kageyama-Ramakrishnan From the dead. With pallbearers who are half as young as their faces suggest and twice the oxen they should be. Without a daddy at all, or with a...

  • Justine 淑女的眼泪 Chapter 61

    15-07-20 What with our skill at making the evidence of our cruelties disappear, the ladies who would like to lodge complaints against us must have the devil's own time getting themselves believed, eh, Therese? says Cardoville. What proofs do you fancy could...

  • 不要用警察吓唬调皮的孩子

    15-06-13 Many an exasperated parent has told their misbehaving child to be good or the police will put them in prison. 许多父母恼怒时都曾这样警告调皮的孩子要听话,不然会被警察抓进监狱。 But now one police force has issued a poster urging adults not to use th...