• 法庭常用词汇 1

    16-08-04 Accused 被告 The fifteen accused, young men from different parts of England, denied the charges. 被告是15名来自英格兰各地的年轻男子,他们对指控矢口否认。 Action 诉讼 Two leading law firms are to prepare legal actions against tobacco companies. 两家...

  • 国际货币基金前主席获假释

    11-05-20 Dominique Strauss-Kahn has been granted bail by a judge in a New York court, after being formally charged with trying to rape a hotel maid. 多米尼克斯特劳斯-卡恩在纽约一家法庭中被获准假释,此前他因涉嫌强健一名酒店清洁工被提起诉讼。 Mr Strauss-Kahn h...

  • 国际货币基金主席因性指控辞职

    11-05-19 International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn has offered to resign following an alleged sexual assault of a hotel maid in New York. 国际货币基金组织主席多米尼克斯特劳斯-卡恩因对纽约一座宾馆清洁工进行性侵犯受到指控而提出辞职。 Dominique S...

  • 维基泄密创始人阿桑杰获释出狱

    10-12-17 The founder of whistle-blowing website Wikileaks, Julian Assange, has vowed to continue my work and to protest my innocence after being freed on bail. 维基泄密创始人朱利安阿桑杰被保释出狱后宣称将继续我的工作,保护我的清白。 The 39-year-old was grant...

  • 维基泄密创始人阿桑杰被准许保释 但将延期释放

    10-12-15 The founder of whistle-blowing website Wikileaks, Julian Assange, has been granted bail in London on conditions including cash guarantees of 240,000. 维基泄密的创始人朱利安阿桑杰在伦敦被准许保释,保释金高达24万英镑。 But he will remain in prison pen...

  • 维基泄密创始人阿桑杰被拒绝保释

    10-12-08 The founder of whistle-blowing website Wikileaks, Julian Assange, has been refused bail by a court in London but vowed to fight extradition to Sweden. 维基泄密创始人朱利安阿桑杰的保释请求被伦敦一家法庭拒绝,但是他立誓同被引渡到瑞典做斗争。 Julian As...

  • 大亨康拉德·布莱克被保释出狱

    10-07-22 Canadian-born tycoon Conrad Black has been freed from a Florida prison on bail, pending an appeal over fraud convictions. 加拿大出生的巨富康拉德布莱克从佛罗里达州一所监狱被保释出狱,等候其欺诈罪的上诉。 Black, a British peer(贵族,同等的人) , was...

  • 马拉维一对被捕的男同性恋者被拒绝保释

    10-01-05 A Malawian judge has rejected a bail application by two gay men charged with public indecency after getting engaged. 一位马拉维法官拒绝了一对男同性恋者的保释申请,据悉此二人订婚后因为公开猥亵罪而遭指控。 Steven Monjeza (L) and Tiwonge Chimbalanga (R...

  • 导演Polanski保释请求被驳回

    09-10-21 Director Roman Polanski has lost an appeal to be released on bail from a Swiss jail ahead of his possible extradition to the US. 导演Roman Polanski在可能被引渡回美国之前从瑞士监狱保释外出的请求失败。 Polanski was arrested as he arrived in Zurich to...

  • Actor Randy Quaid freed on bail 演员Randy Quaid获保释

    09-09-27 Actor Randy Quaid and his wife Evi have been freed on bail after being arrested for allegedly failing to pay a hotel bill of more than $10,000 (6,245). 演员Randy Quaid和他妻子Evi被保释,此前二人因为没能付清超过1万美元的酒店账单而被逮捕。 Randy and E...