10-08-07 A hacker has discovered a way to force ATMs to disgorge their cash by hijacking the computers inside them. 一位计算机黑客通过入侵ATM柜员机里的电脑的方式,不用银行卡就能让ATM机疯狂吐钞。 A hacker has discovered a way to force ATMs to disgorge their c...
10-03-28 Computer hacker Albert Gonzalez has been jailed for 20 years in the US for his part in stealing the details of more than 130m credit and debit cards. 美国电脑黑客艾伯特冈萨雷斯因参与盗窃1300多万张信用卡和借记卡的详细资料而被判刑20年。 Albert Gonzale...
10-02-25 An alleged hacker has been hailed as a latter-day Robin Hood for leaking data about the finances of banks and state-owned firms to Latvian TV. 一名黑客因向拉脱维亚电视台泄露银行和国有企业的财政数据而被誉为当代的罗宾汉。 Latvia has been suffering in...
10-01-26 A US hacker who gained notoriety for unlocking Apple's iPhone as a teenager has told BBC News that he has now hacked Sony's PlayStation 3 (PS3). 一名美国青少年黑客,因破解了苹果的iPhone而声名狼藉,日前向BBC透露道,他已破解了索尼的PS3。 The hack invo...
09-11-27 The devastated lawyers for computer hacker Gary McKinnon are to challenge the home secretary's decision not to block his extradition to the US. 电脑黑客加里麦金农的律师将要挑战内政大臣不阻止将其引渡到美国的决定。 Supporters make the point that Gary...
09-10-28 Visitors to technology blog Gizmodo are being warned that they could have picked up more than tips about the latest must-have gadget. 技术博客Gizmodo的访问者收到警告:他们的电脑存在漏洞,需要下载最新的插件。 40 million people have fallen victim to s...
09-10-26 Computer hackers have targeted the Guardian newspaper's jobs website in a sophisticated and deliberate move, the company has said. 英国《卫报》职业页面遭受电脑黑客诡异的、深思熟虑的攻击。 The incident is being investigated by the police The breach p...
09-09-09 The publisher of a flight simulator site targeted by a hacker in May says it has presented a file of evidence to UK police identifying the perpetrator. 五月份曾遭黑客攻击的飞行模拟器网站的创办者称,已经向英国警方提供一些证据帮助识别作恶之人。 Avsim...
09-08-11 A pro-Georgian blogger at the centre of a co-ordinated attack that hit Facebook and Twitter has asked Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to hold an inquiry. 一位前乔治亚写博客的人受到与Facebook和Twitter相同的网络攻击,要求俄罗斯总统Dmitry Medvedev举...
09-08-07 Micro-blogging service Twitter and social networking site Facebook have been severely disrupted by hackers. 微博客服务商Twitter和社交网络站点Facebook收到黑客严重攻击。 Twitter was taken offline for more than two hours whilst(当时) Facebook's servi...