10-11-02 不管到哪里,身边可能都会有这么一类人,他们最常说的一个词是是的,最常说的一句话是我完全同意。当然,这些话主要是对领导说的。反正,领导说什么都能从他们那里得到完全一致的反馈,难怪外国人管这些人叫 echo chamber (回声筒)呢。 Echo chamber refers to a per...
10-10-11 Scientists from The Scripps Research Institute have uncovered new evidence that challenges the current theory about a process key to the way modern drugs are designed and how they work in the human body. The new study was published October 10, 2010...
10-10-11 最近看娱乐综艺节目的时候,我们总是能听到那些主持人问某个艺人你是宅男/女吗?这样的问题。好像户外这个群族似乎有点淡出人们的视线了,宅正在成为年轻人们追捧的一种生活方式。那么,今天咱们就来说说这个话题吧。 Indoorsman refers to a person who spends consid...
10-10-11 经济危机好像对大多数人都或多或少产生了一些影响。原本天天下餐馆的人改回家做饭了,之前每月买十件衣服的人改买三件了,而曾经月入超两万的人忽然收入就少了一半了。经济危机影响够大,但是在一些人身上基本看不出来。她们照样衣着光鲜亮丽,走在时尚前沿,不愧是 re...
10-08-31 据说迈克尔杰克逊自6月故去以来的收入已经超过了7000万美元,你能想象吗?《福布斯》杂志似乎从几年前就已经注意到了这样的已故名人效应,所以,他们推出了每年的已故名人收入榜。 The trouble with having some famous person endorsing your products is that they c...
10-08-21 Married Americans overwhelmingly believe they married the right person but not all of them believe in the idea of soul mates. 美国绝大多数已婚人士相信自己选对了人,但并不是所有人都相信灵魂伴侣一说。 A Marist poll showed that 97 percent of men and 94...
10-07-15 This is bizarre, Yin Anyan asked his family, Who on earth(究竟) killed my donkey? What? Yeah, somebody killed my donkey and left the skin in the yard. They went out to look. Looks like somebody ate the meat and left the hide. They were all pretty...
10-07-09 时下,颇有一批养尊处优的公子哥儿,每天只讲吃喝玩乐,不务正业。那么你知道公子哥儿这个词该怎么翻译才算地道吗? 在英语里,我们常用 toff 来表示公子哥儿。Toff 这个词,第一层意思是爱打扮、身着名贵的人士(An elegantly dressed person),但是在英国英语中,却...
10-05-17 Saturday. I am almost a whole day old, now. I arrived yesterday. That is as it seems to me. And it must be so, for if there was a day-before-yesterday I was not there when it happened, or I should remember it. It could be, of course, that it did hap...
09-12-20 Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke was named Person of the Year by Time magazine on Wednesday, giving him a high-profile boost as he tries to fend off proposals that might weaken the Fed's independence. 《时代》杂志年度人物于本周三揭晓,美国联邦...